6 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development And Tips


By the 6th week of pregnancy, most of the structures of your baby would have been developed or in the process of developing. Your doctor may be able to give you a visual of it through an ultrasound. Even though it is the early phase of your pregnancy, you may undergo a series of hormonal changes during this period.

In this post, we help you understand everything about week six, including the changes in your body and the developments in the baby. We also give you a few tips on ensuring a smooth pregnancy.

In This Article

How Many Months Pregnant Are You At Six Weeks?

During the sixth week, you are in your second month of pregnancy. The second month is a part of the first trimester. The first trimester is between conception to 13 weeks(1).

How Big Is Your Baby At Six Weeks?

的fetus during the sixth week is around ¼ inch long(2). It is visible through theultrasound scanwhen the doctor can evaluate the fetal size.

What Is The Baby Development At Six Weeks?

在这个阶段,婴儿继续发展的faster rate. Most of the organs have begun to form by now.

1. Brain development

By the sixth week of pregnancy, the fetus develops the cerebral cortex, a part of the brain. The neurons also start to grow and form connections known as synapses. These connections enable communication between the neurons and, at a later stage, allow the fetus to make movements(3).

2. Heart development

的heart develops between the third and the sixth week.During the sixth week, cardiac activity develops, and you can hear the fetal heart sound during an ultrasound(4).

3. Other notable developments

Some other developing features of the fetus in the sixth week of pregnancy include(2)(3):

  • 的ears begin to take shape, and the ear opening is visible.
  • 的salivary glands form in the mouth.
  • 的diaphragm, one of the main muscles that help to breathe, is now formed.
  • Eyes start to develop.
  • 的limb buds begin to develop. Fingers form at this stage.
  • endocrine systemiXA system consisting of glands that secrete hormones into the blood, which are responsible for several vital functions in the body.本周继续发展。的parathyroid hormoneiXA hormone secreted by parathyroid glands and is involved in the regulation of calcium levels in the blood.starts to secrete this week, which controls the calcium levels in the fetus’ blood.
  • 的kidneys start to function, and the stomach also produces digestive juices.
protip_icon Quick fact
的development of the lungs, jaw, nose, and palate have begun by this time in pregnancy(16).

What Are The Symptoms During The Sixth Week Of Pregnancy?

Besides nausea and discomfort, there are some other symptoms that you may start to experience in week six of pregnancy.

  1. Morning sickness:Most pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting during the early weeks of pregnancy. These symptoms peak at week six and decline after week 18(5).
  1. Indigestion and heartburn:Changes in the body’s hormonal levels and the pressure of the growing baby on the stomach could be responsible for indigestion and heartburn during pregnancy(6).
何珥的变化monal levels and pressure of the baby can cause heartburn

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  1. Fatigue:的baby’s rapid growth leads to changes in your body, which can leave you tired even after resting.
  2. Other symptoms:Bloating,mild headache, mood swings, and frequent urination are some other symptoms that pregnant women might experience at week six.
protip_icon Quick fact
Light bleeding and spotting accompanied by light cramping may occur during this time of pregnancy. It is not usually a cause for concern, but you should monitor the spotting, and let your doctor know about it(16).

What Body Changes Occur During The Sixth Week?

You are likely to notice the following body changes during the sixth week of pregnancy(7).

  • Changes in breasts, including breast soreness
  • Darkening of skin on the face and brown skin patches
  • Increased hair thickness
You may notice your hair thicken in the sixth week

Image: Shutterstock

  • Changes in taste, including ametallic tastein the mouth
  • You may also develop a change in the sense of smell and food likes and dislikes

What Is Checked During The Six-Week Ultrasound?

的first scan of the first trimester is ideally scheduled in the sixth week. This ultrasound helps with the early assessment of the fetus and detection of any abnormalities.

  1. Fetal heart rate:的ultrasound helps to monitor thefetal heartby diagnosing the number of beats per minute.During the sixth week, the fetal heart beats an average of 120 beats per minute(8)
  2. Gestational age:的first-trimester ultrasound also helps to know the fetal pole (mass of cells) and crown-rump length (head to butt) of the fetus. These figures, in turn, help determine the gestational age.
  3. Twins or multiples:的sixth-week ultrasound also helps detect if it is a single fetus,twins, or multiples(9).
的ultrasound can help detect twins

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  1. Location of the pregnancy:Normal or abnormal positioning of the fetus in the uterus.

Can Twin Development Be Known At Week Six?

During an ultrasound at week six, you will not only know if you’re carrying twins, but you might also know if the twins would be identical. You will have identical twins if the ultrasound shows oneplacentaiXA temporary organ that connects the baby to the uterus and provides oxygen and nutrients to it.和两个amniotic sacsiX的thin-walled fluid-filled sac in the uterus where the embryo grows and eventually forms the fetus.(10). The development of the twins would be similar to that of a single baby until the third trimester(11).

Are There Tips To Remember In Week Six Of Pregnancy?

  1. Doctor’s visit:If you have missed the doctor’s appointment in the fifth week, now is the time to do it. Get your blood pressure, heart rate, and weight checked. If you’ve had a check-up the previous week, you can visit for the first-trimester ultrasound this week.
  2. Pregnancy diet plan:Your obstetrician may help you in creating a pregnancy diet plan based on your health. The focus should be on a healthier menu, even if you are having cravings for junk or sugary foods. Also, take your prenatal vitamins anddrink enough waterto keep constipation problems at bay.
Drinking plenty of water keeps constipation at bay

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  1. Light exercise:Even though you feel tired pretty soon, it is essential that you engage in some light exercises such as walking. This will help you to stay active and keep your body fit for more changes. Always ask your doctor about it.
  2. Small meals and naps:To deal with nausea, vomiting, and tiredness, you must eat your meals in small quantities and take frequent naps. These changes in your lifestyle will help you deal better with early pregnancy symptoms.

What Is The Pregnancy Checklist For Week Six Of Pregnancy?

  1. Do not skip prenatal care and attend the ultrasound session.
  2. If you wish to reveal your pregnancy to your friends and relatives, prepare to break the happy news.
  3. 尝试偏方认证你的医生to alleviate morning sickness.
  4. Check for any concerning signs and report them to your doctor for prompt medical attention.

When To See A Doctor?

Check with your OB-GYN if you have fever and chills

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Consult a doctor if you notice any of the following signs(12):

  • Vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • Fever and chills
  • Headache
  • Trouble breathing
  • Pain while urinating
  • Dizziness
  • Weight loss

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does a six-week pregnant belly feel?

During the sixth week of pregnancy, you might be unable to spot the pregnant belly. Although you cannot see the baby bump visually, you might experience nausea, bloating, or cramping.

2. Can I lie on my stomach at six weeks pregnant?

It is safe to lie on the stomach during the early weeks. During the sixth week of pregnancy, you might not have a bump, so sleeping on your stomach could not be uncomfortable. However, as the pregnancy progresses, the growing uterus can make it difficult to sleep on your stomach(12).

3. Can I have a miscarriage at week six?

的first trimester poses a high risk of miscarriage during pregnancy. As per a study published in the National Library of Medicine, the risk of miscarriages may drop by 10% after the sixth week of pregnancy(13)(14).

4. Why are miscarriages so common at six weeks?

的re could be an increased risk of miscarriage during the first trimester due to chromosomal abnormalities orectopic pregnanciesiXA complication in pregnancy where the fertilized egg grows outside the uterus more often in the fallopian tube.. Improper placenta development around the initial weeks may also increase the risk of a miscarriage(15).

5. Why is my belly so bloated at six weeks pregnant?

Hormonal fluctuations could cause bloating during the sixth week of pregnancy. Pregnant women at this stage may suffer from constipation, contributing to bloating.

的sixth week of pregnancy is when the fetus’ most body structures begin to develop or are in development. Fetal development rate is faster, and crucial parts of the brain such as the cerebral cortex and neuronal connections begin to develop in the sixth week of gestation. Some women may experience pregnancy symptoms, and there won’t be any changes in belly size. A six-week ultrasound examination helps determine fetal heart rate, location of the pregnancy, gestational age, and a singleton or multiple pregnancies, letting you be better prepared with what to expect with your pregnancy.

Key Pointers

  • During the sixth week of pregnancy, major organs such as the brain, heart, and gastrointestinal organs are still developing.
  • Ultrasound is first performed during this week.
  • 的sixth week comes bearing exciting news as parents might get to listen to their baby’s heartbeat for the first time.
  • Remember to eat balanced meals and visit your doctor this week for a healthy pregnancy.


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in oureditorial policy.
  1. Pregnancy: The Three Trimesters.
  2. Fetal Growth And Development.
  3. Prenatal Form and Function – The Making of an Earth Suit.
  4. Oriana Valenti et al.; Fetal cardiac function during the first trimester of pregnancy (2011).
  5. Morning sickness is Mother Nature’s way of protecting mothers and their unborn Cornell biologists find.
  6. Indigestion and Heartburn in Pregnancy.
  7. Week-by-week guide to pregnancy.
  8. 胎儿心率在第一和第二阶段.
  9. G. M. Graham III; Ultrasound Evaluation of Pregnancy in the First Trimester.
  10. Twin Pregnancy; Answers From An Expert.
  11. Liran Hiersch et al; Differences In Fetal Growth Patterns Between Twins And Singletons.
  12. Warning signs during pregnancy.
  13. Miscarriage Statistics.
  14. Stephen Tong et al; Miscarriage Risk For Asymptomatic Women After A Normal First-Trimester Prenatal Visit (2008).
  15. What Causes A Miscarriage?
  16. 6 Weeks Pregnant.
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