25 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development And Growth

In This Article

How Many Months Pregnant Are You At 25 Weeks?

At 25 weeks, you are about five months and two weeks pregnant. You are in the second trimester of your pregnancy. By now, there is fetal movement and your baby starts to move frequently and may respond to touch or sound.

Here, we tell you more about the baby’s development in this week and how your body changes accordingly.

How Big Is Your Baby At 25 Weeks?

At 25 weeks, the baby is as big as arutabagaiXA root vegetable that's considered a cross between turnips and cabbage.(1). Your baby measures 13.6in (34.6cm) in length and weighs 1.46lb (660g) (2).

Baby Development At 25 Weeks

Here is how the organs are developing in this week:

Body parts Developmental stage
Skin Fat is depositing under the skin layer
Nose (3) Nostrils begin to open up
Reflexes (4) The baby can respond to sound, touch, and light
Spine Developing different parts
Lungs (5) Breathing patterns are developed. It occurs 44 times/ minute. ThealveoliiX小气囊在肺部血液exchanges the gases oxygen and carbon dioxide during respiration.start creating surfactant (6)
Kidneys Start producing urine
Brain (7) Developing
Digestive system Still developing

The baby moves vigorously at this time and follows a sleep pattern, which indicates that the baby is healthy and doing fine inside the womb. During the ultrasound, you can see thatthe fetusis small and has plenty of space inside the uterus to move around. The fetus can attain differentbirthing positionsbefore coming into the optimal position.

The changes in this week may make you a little more uncomfortable than before. Read more about it next.

What Symptoms Of Pregnancy Do You Experience In The 25th Week?


  1. Weight gain:The weight gain should be based on the BMI (8):
BMI Below 18.5 18.5 – 24.9 25 – 29.9 30 and Above
Weight gain (Pounds) 28-40 25-35 15-25 11-20
  1. Trouble sleeping:Besides the bodily discomforts, frequent breaks to the bathroom during the night can disturb the sleep.
  1. Frequent urination: The pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the bladder increases the urge to urinate.
  1. Constipation:Progesterone relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract, which slows down the digestion process causing constipation.
  1. Hemorrhoids:Increased blood flow and constipation cause the veins in the rectal area to swell.
  1. Gas and bloating:Indigestiongenerates gas and makes you feel bloated.
  1. Heartburn:The growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach, which pushes the gastric acids up into the esophagus, causing heartburn.
  1. Back pain:The pressure exerted by the extra weight of the baby on the lower back can cause aches in the region.

    Back pain is common at 25 weeks pregnancy

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. Fatigue:Since the body is working harder to nurture the baby, you’ll feel tired than usual.
  1. Edema:The water retention in the body causes swelling of hands and feet.
  1. Braxton Hicks contractions:You may experience irregular and less painful contractions that go away when you switch positions. The contractions are the body’s way of preparing for labor and delivery.
  1. Carpal tunnel syndrome:A tingling effect is felt in the hands and wrist, due to the increased blood volume that exerts pressure on the nerves.
  1. Snoring:An increase in the blood flow to the mucous membranes can cause nasal congestion and make you snore.
  1. Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD):This is a condition where the ligaments and the muscles of the pelvic joints are stretched, causing pain in the pelvic area. Pelvic tilts and kegel exercises help strengthen the muscles of pelvic area (9).
  1. Restless leg syndrome (RLS):Also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease, this condition causes a tingling effect in the legs along with an uncontrollable urge to move them. A lowferritiniXA protein in the blood that stores iron.level inthe blood(hemoglobin <11 g/dl), low folate, history of RLS before conception, RLS during the previous pregnancy are a few common reasons for this syndrome (10).

    RLS inpregnancy due to low folate, ferritin levels and history of RLS

    Image: Shutterstock

In addition to these, you might experience certain emotional and physical changes in this week.

protip_icon Point to consider
Due to pregnancy hormones, one can experience sore or bleeding gums at week 25 of pregnancy(15).

Changes In The Body At 25 Weeks Of Pregnancy

Here are some changes you might experience during this week of pregnancy:

Physical changes:

  • Thebelly growsand seems a little protruded by this week.
  • Thebreasts growin size, and theareola gets darker.
  • The skin stretches due to the growing uterus, leavingstretch marks.
  • Thelinea nigraiXA dark vertical line that appears on the stomach during pregnancy.gets darker.
  • The increase in hormonal levels makes thehair look fuller, shinier, and thicker.

Emotional changes:

  • Mood swingsdue to hormonal fluctuations are common during this week.
  • Anxietyabout labor and delivery, and parenthood is also not uncommon in this phase.

    25 weeks pregnant woman may feel anxious

    Image: Shutterstock

When To Call The Doctor

In the case of any of the following symptoms, call your doctor right away (11):

  • You experience contractions once in every 10 minutes or more, often within one hour (five or more contractions in an hour)
  • Amniotic fluid leakage from your vagina (rupture of theamniotic saciXThe thin-walled fluid-filled sac in the uterus where the embryo grows and eventually forms the fetus.)
  • Menstrual-like cramps
  • Low, dull backache
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Abdominal cramps with or without diarrhea
  • Vaginal bleeding

Even if the symptoms are normal, make sure you meet the doctor during the regular OB/GYN visit.

Your OB/GYN Visit

Here is what you can expect during your OB/GYN visit:

  • Weight check
  • Blood pressure
  • Glucose tolerance test:If the glucose challenge test results are abnormal, the doctor would suggest the glucose tolerance test to measure the sugar level in the mother’s bloodstream.

    Doctor will check blood sugar level at 25 weeks pregnancy

    Image: Shutterstock

For the glucose challenge test, blood is drawn an hour after you drink glucose water, and is checked for increased blood sugar levels. In case of a positive test result, a glucose tolerance test will be done. This requires overnight fasting and blood will be drawn before you break the fast and is tested for sugar levels.

This is followed by an hourly blood test for the next three hours. An abnormal test result is an indication of gestational diabetes (12).

The doctor would recommend a healthy, low-sugar diet to keepgestational diabetesiXPregnancy-specific condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, which may pose a risk of complications., if you have it, in control. Otherwise, you can follow a healthy diet and lifestyle to keep yourself and your baby healthy.

Tips For Mom-to-be

Here are the tips to follow for a healthy pregnancy:

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Keep stress at bay.
  • Eat home cooked food and include fish like salmon, pollock, anchovies, cod, shrimp, and catfish that are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Be sure to avoid tilefish, shark, swordfish and king mackerel that contain high levels of mercury.
  • Do not skip prenatal care and take prenatal vitamins containing iron and folic acid.
  • 避免smoking, alcohol consumption as well as excess caffeine intake.
  • Rest enough.
  • Do moderate exercises like walking, pelvic floor strengthening, and stretching exercises, lower limb stretching exercises, and core muscle strengthening
    Do moderate exercises during 25 weeks of pregnancy

    Image: Shutterstock

  • Start with breathing exercises, abdominal breathing pattern, and diaphragmatic breathing to reduce shortness of breath.
  • Aquanatal exercises will be comfortable.
  • Maintain oral hygiene to prevent any oral problems.
  • Wear loose, breathable clothes.
  • Do not take any medication without the doctor’s permission.
  • Avoid cleaning cat litters to avoidtoxoplasmosisiXAn infection caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, typically found in undercooked meat, animal feces, and contaminated soil..
  • Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals.
  • It’s a good time to start preparing for parenthood by looking for childbirth classes and reading parenting books.


  • Carry fruits and snacks to the office and eat them between breaks.
  • Spend time with family and friends.
  • Search for baby names and prepare a baby registry.
  • Read books and participate in activities that make you happy.
  • Beginning nursery preparation can be an engaging activity that may help alleviate stress and anxiety.

Your partner can be a great support to you during this period by taking on some of your burdens.

protip_icon Quick tip
During this period, it may be wise to attend a childbirth class. You’ll learn about labor techniques and pain management options, which can be helpful during the delivery.

Tips For Dad-to-be

Here’s what your partner can do:

  • Create a pleasant environment at your home.
  • Help you with the daily household chores.
  • Accompany you to your prenatal visits.
  • Can help in massaging upper back and legs.
  • Go for maternal shopping.
  • Plan a day out for a change and relaxed time together.
  • Give you a good neck and foot massage.

protip_icon Quick tip
Dads-to-be may plan a relaxing manicure and pedicure session at home or a local salon for their partners.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can babies in the womb get scared?

It is not known if babies experience fear or feel scared inside the womb. Nevertheless, babies may get startled or feel discomfort due to loud noises by 26 weeks of pregnancy (13).

2. Is 25 weeks early pregnancy?

No, by 25 weeks, you are in the second trimester of your pregnancy, where your early pregnancy signs, such as morning sickness, may begin to reduce (14).

3. Can I travel at 25 weeks pregnant?

Yes, 14 to 28 weeks is considered the most appropriate time for travel during pregnancy, as you are better prepared to handle your symptoms. However, it is best to consult your doctor beforehand to understand the precautions you must take, especially if you fall under the high-risk pregnancy category (16).

4. How can I manage pregnancy-related constipation?

You can manage pregnancy-related constipation by increasing your daily intake of fiber-rich foods to about 25 to 30 grams, drinking twelve cups of water per day, and doing pregnancy-safe exercises such as brisk walking, swimming, and yoga (17).

5. Can a baby survive if born prematurely at 25 weeks pregnant?

Babies born at 25 weeks may have an 80% chance of survival with timely and appropriate medical care. However, they may require intensive care treatment and admission to the NICU to receive essential medical care to mitigate or prevent birth complications (18).

At 25 weeks pregnant, you may notice a little protrusion of the belly (baby bump), increased breast size, and thicker hair. Your baby’s brain, lungs, and digestive system develop while kidneys start producing urine. Gastrointestinal disturbances, swelling of hands and feet, mild contractions, and other issues may occur, and you may face problems with sleep, frequent urination, and constipation. Bodyweight, blood pressure, and glucose tolerance tests are usually in the prenatal check-up. Make sure to stay hydrated, follow a healthy lifestyle, and seek medical help if you encounter vaginal discharge, stomach cramps, or pelvic pressure.

Key Pointers

  • At 25 weeks of pregnancy, the baby starts to move, follows a sleep routine, and responds to touch and sound.
  • Physical symptoms that pregnant women may experience include heartburn, swelling, back pain, leg cramps, and Braxton Hicks contractions.
  • Stretch marks, fuller breasts, shinier hair, mood swings, and anxiety are a few additional symptoms seen in this week.
  • At this stage, doctors will examine the woman’s weight and blood pressure and recommend a glucose tolerance test.
  • To ensure a healthy pregnancy, mothers should eat a balanced diet, stay active, and avoid certain foods and activities that could harm the baby.


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in oureditorial policy.
  1. Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy.
  2. Fetal Development.
  3. Your pregnancy: weeks 25 to 27.
  4. 25 weeks pregnant.
  5. Prenatal Summary.
  7. Pregnancy week-by-week.
  8. Weight Gain During Pregnancy.
  9. Pelvic girdle pain and pregnancy.
  10. R. Gupta et. al (2015); Restless legs syndrome and pregnancy: prevalence, possible pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment.
  11. Premature Labor.
  12. Glucose screening tests during pregnancy.
  13. Bonding with your baby during pregnancy.
  14. Second trimester.
  15. 25 weeks Pregnant: baby’s development, stomach pain and planning the birth.
  16. Travel During Pregnancy.
  17. Pregnancy Constipation.
  18. Parent Information: for babies born 25 weeks.
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