Teenager Wakes Up From Coma To Find She's Had A Baby


Pregnancy is a 9-month long experience for most moms. From planning, preparing and dealing with a lot of do’s and dont’s, the list goes on and on. And it can also be tiring for some.

However, Ebony’s case is quite intriguing as she and her family had no clue about her being pregnant. Now you might be thinking, but HOW? Didn’t she start showing her belly? Or didn’t she miss her period? And, of course, there are signs like morning sickness that affects many pregnant women. Read on to know more about Ebony’s story.

Ebony’s Story…

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An 18-year-old from Manchester slipped into a coma after having a headache. Four days later, she woke up to the news of giving birth to a baby girl. Ebony Stevenson had no clue about being pregnant when she went to bed feeling ill on December 2, 2018.

The teenager was taken to the hospital after having a series of seizures. She was put under an induced coma and woke up on December 6 after having a baby girl. Ebony and her mom, Sheree, had no clue about her pregnancy.

Ebony’s mum said that her daughter started feeling sick, and so she rushed her to the bathroom. And before she knew it, Ebony started suffering from seizures on the bathroom floor.

She never had seizures in her life before, so her mom immediately rang 999. The ambulance took 5 minutes to arrive. By then, Ebony had suffered from 5 more seizures.

Doctors performed tests and found that it was caused by preeclampsia. They then told the mother she was pregnant and went in for an emergency C-section. Ebony gave birth to a girl 3 hours after she had her first seizure. Ebony was in an induced coma for 4 days following the surgery.

Ebony came out of the coma on December 6 to discover that she had given birth to a baby girl, who was later named Elodie.

The Miracle Baby

Image: IStock

As soon as Ebony woke up, the nurses gave her the news about her baby. And they put her in her arms. She says how she was so confused about the whole thing and asked the nurses to take the baby away. She thought they had made a mistake. Later her mum, Sheere, explained everything to her with the nurses still there. The baby was then given back to her to be held properly for the first time.

She was still confused and scared, but she recalls how it was a beautiful moment and how the baby remained so quiet. The teenager had no signs of morning sickness, baby bump, and had not even missed a period.

She had no clue about her pregnancy because she had a condition known as uterus didelphys (1). The baby was hidden in one of her two uteruses. It’s a condition that affects 1 in 3,000 women. Women with uterus didelphys have two uteruses instead of one. In the 18-year-old’s case, she had only one fallopian tube that could carry an egg. The other one had none. This makes the chances of her conceiving pretty slim. It may explain why she didn’t miss any of her periods despite having a developing fetus inside her uterus. Also, one of her uteri was positioned towards the back. Hence the pregnancy went unnoticed.

乌木说,她从来没想过要孩子,t least for another 10 years. Being a young mum was something which she never anticipated. She says how meeting little Elodie was surreal and an out-of-body experience for her. She sees it as an absolute miracle and wouldn’t change her baby girl for the world.

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