Dear Girls of the World, Never Forget Your Superpower: Your Voice

Dear girls,

You are beautiful, wonderful, and can achieve greatness. You don’t need someone to tell you how valuable you are because you have it in you. To fight and achieve great things; big things that will change the world. We live in a world where women are often told that we are not good enough. Don’t fall for it. It’s a trap and a means to keep your real potential hidden. They dim your light, so you don’t outshine them. Your true potential threatens people around you, and that’s why the world tries to shun you. But let me tell you— never let the world dim your light, and don’t let anyone crush your hopes and dreams.

Life will hand you many struggles, unpredictability, and curves that you might never be prepared for but always remember that surviving it makes you stronger. If you’re open and accepting of what it teaches you, a beautiful lesson will emerge from a difficult situation. Remember to embrace your inner confidence and bank on yourself. Bet on your inner strength and watch yourself become stronger, achieve your dreams, and create new ones.

Every woman has their struggles. If you’re willing to see things from a different perspective and open your hearts to the bigger picture, you will be able to be the best version of yourself. Owning who you are and not allowing the world to define you might not always be easy, but it’s worth it. Embrace who you are, with your flaws, insecurities, and imperfections, and watch yourself create magic. You are unstoppable, and your greatest strengths come from accepting who you are.

I might not have all the answers, but I know that I will figure it out as I live my life. You will too. Life’s a journey that is made up of several moments, some big and some small. You will go through heartbreaks, hardships, betrayal, and loneliness, but you will also experience love, life in its fullness and joy. It’s up to you to seize the right moments and be kind while doing it.

Dear Girls of the World, Never Forget Your Superpower Your Voice

Image: Shutterstock

In a world full of hatred and negativity, it is so easy to lose ourselves. Everyone around us tells us that we are not good enough, and we believe them. Why? Why do we listen to the thousand strange voices that induce self-doubt in us rather than listen to the one voice inside us fighting for us, rooting for us? It’s time we consciously stop listening to the voices of strangers who should not be given the power to crush our spirit. It’s time we stood up for ourselves.

You will come across different types of people throughout your life. Steer clear of the ones who make you feel like you’re too much to handle. Because guess what, you are not. You are who you are, and if they cannot accept that, you should graciously let go of them. Several people in the world accept you for who you are, and those are the ones you want to keep around you. The rest of them are not your people, and they don’t have to stick around.

Choose your crowd wisely. They are ones who play a role in determining your success or failure. They can be your well-wishers or your worst enemies. So let’s remember to choose better for ourselves and always be kind.

Every girl has a voice. Don’t be afraid to use it because it’s your biggest power. Your most prized possession. As women, it is up to us to stand up for each other and support a fellow sister. It’s hard being a woman in a patriarchal world, and we don’t need to add to that struggle. Use your voice for equality, stand up for injustice, and help other women get what they truly deserve. I believe in you, and it’s time you believe in yourself too!

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