The Newborn Days Are All About Survival Mode

When you get the news that you’re pregnant, you’re overjoyed because it’s something you’ve been waiting for. You and your partner are thrilled and begin to read books, magazines, and mommy blogs to gather information. You make appointments with the doctors and want to be one step ahead of your pregnancy because you only want what’s best for your baby. As the days go by, you cannot help but feel excited for your little one’s arrival. You’ve probably picked out the color of their room, decorated it, bought baby essentials like diapers, napkins, tissues, and other necessary items for the first few months, and even made their cradle ready.

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During your baby shower, you were probably even given gifts that were well suited for your little one, like a diaper genie, changing table, or a pretty pram. Now, all you have to do is wait for the day that your baby arrives, so you’re all set to be the parent you’ve been preparing to be. But when that day finally comes, things are different. You feel like you’ve been hit with something you were not prepared for — it’s overwhelming and chaotic. But it’s absolutely normal to feel this way. Here are a few things that every parent of a newborn should learn to do and not feel guilty for it:

1. Embrace The Chaos

Embrace The Chaos

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在你知道它之前,你的新生儿已经采取了over your life. You might be the most organized person you’ve met before, but with a newborn around, it’s nearly impossible for things to go on smoothly. With the feeding, changing, and sleeping cycles, you try to grab on to what little time you have to sleep, eat, and shower. The best thing to do is to embrace the chaos and own it.

2. Eat The Carbs

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You might be thinking about getting back in shape and trying to follow a diet. But don’t! Amidst all the chaos, exhaustion, and sleepless nights, the last thing you want is to feel weak. You need the energy you can get to get used to the new grind. So, eat those carbs and enjoy your meals. You have time to get back in shape, and that time is not now.

3. Seek Help

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Everyone who has ever had a newborn knows that it’s chaotic and challenging. So don’t be afraid to ask for help. Time is a luxury for every new parent, so even the smallest help will seem big. Ask your trusted friends to make a trip to the baby store or watch your baby while you take a nap. They can also send you some home-cooked meals, so you can save time cooking.

4. Limit Your Guests

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Now with the pandemic, this one is a given. But even during pre-corona, your threshold to entertain guests is low when you have a baby. And you don’t have to feel guilty about it. The little time you get for yourself when your baby sleeps, you’ll want to spend doing your chores and getting some rest. So don’t be afraid to let them know that you need the time.

5. Don’t Apologize

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Taking care of your baby is your priority. You might have a messy house or might not have time for your friends, but you don’t have to apologize for it. A newborn baby takes a lot of time and commitment, so your friends and family will understand if you don’t have time for them, can’t make it to family functions or birthdays, or aren’t available for any group calls. Don’t apologize. Just keep rocking on.

When you have a newborn, your life changes drastically, and it’s okay to be in survival mode until you figure it all out. No one embraced parenthood overnight. There is a learning curve to it, and it comes with time and experience. Therefore, embrace the days when you’re in survival mode because before you know it, your kids will be ready to leave the nest, and you might be wishing for these golden days. How did you survive the chaos after your newborn was born? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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