9 Things Your Toddler Can Do That You Definitely Can’t

There is no better life than that of a baby. With no responsibilities, no expectations, and unlimited food, all babies do are eat and sleep while everything else is taken care of for them. It is no surprise that parents do all work for babies. They feed them, bathe them, clean them, and even sing to them to make them fall asleep. Carefree, innocent, and naive, toddlers live the best kind of lives and are excused for any sort of behavior. Have you ever given that a thought? They can sleep anywhere, run around without clothes, and even create a mess and still be adored for how cute they are. So, we are here with a list of some of the things that your toddler does that you cannot imagine doing.

1. Waltz Around In Their Underwear


Remember all those hot summer days when you wished you could strip down and dance around in your underwear? Well, babies have the liberty to do that all the time. They sing, dance and run around in their underwear without a care in the world. Be it in the presence of family or the presence of guests and it is nothing but adorable!

2. Feed On The Same Food

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For those of you who struggle with choosing the food you want to eat, this seems to be one of the biggest blessings to be a baby. Sure, some babies are fussy eaters, but most of them do not get bored with the same food no matter how many times we feed them. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner comprise the same baby food and there are no complaints!

3. Poop In Front Of People


An easy out for babies but a tough one to deal with for the ones who witness it. You know what I’m talking about. If you ever had to babysit a toddler, you probably had to clean out their diapers and that is not a pleasant experience.

4. Swim In The Bathtub


Another one that makes us green with jealousy! Babies are so small that they swim in bathtubs every day. But for us? We have to go to the public swimming pool and deal with an entire process of responsible swimming if we wanna get a dip.

5. Get Showered With Chocolates And Cookies

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What is it about toddlers that make everyone give them extra cookies and chocolates? The adults who are around the baby might like some too, but no one seems to bother about that. We might need some energy from constantly taking care of a baby.

6. Free Trolley Rides In Grocery Stores

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Let’s face it! We’ve all wanted to sit on the trolley when we go grocery shopping. Babies get to enjoy those free rides with food and goodies as their only view. What an amazing life, isn’t it?

7. Express Themselves Freely Without Being Judged


How many times have we wanted to scream or yell at someone simply because we are annoyed or frustrated? And how many times have we done it? As adults, we have to keep our cool and act “sane” even when we want to have an outburst. But babies. Psh. They get to throw tantrums all the time without looking like total psychos.

8. Have Imaginary Friends


It’s not surprising to hear a baby talking to thin air but when we do it, hey, it’s all aboard the crazy train! Toddlers often make up imaginary friends and talk to them regularly and it is completely normal. But can you imagine doing the same thing? You would be visiting a psychiatrist in no time.

9. Mess Mess Mess


This might sound a bit harsh but babies and mess go hand in hand. They throw their toys everywhere, spill their food all over themselves and splash around in the water, all the time. But somehow after all this, they manage to look cute. How do you do it, babies? Tell us!

There is no doubt that babies are adorable but sometimes we wish we could be like them and get away with things we do. Funny how we wanted to grow up when we were kids, right? Now that we are here, we wish to be babies again. Guess the grass is greener on the other side, always. What do you miss the most about being a baby? Comment below and let us know.

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