5 Signs Of Early Labor You Must Be Aware Of

If you believe what you see in the movies, you think that labor will probably begin with you stranded in the middle of the mall, with the contractions leaving you writhing in agony, and your water gushing down your legs and forming an embarrassing puddle of fluid around you. Well, we’ve got news for you. It rarely is going to be like that.

Most women know when they are about to enter labor. Yes! It isn’t a surprise as they make it out to be in the movies you know. And, what’s more; there are many symptoms of early labor. Here, we see what these symptoms are. So, read on to get informed:

1. Leakage or discharge

If your vagina begins leaking blood or fluid, or the discharge has a change in color, you may need to get to your doctor right away. The brownish discharge may be the mucous plug, which protects the cervix during your pregnancy.

2. Contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions are common towards the end of a pregnancy term. But, if the contractions occur six to seven times in an hour, you should call your doctor. It could be a sign you’re going into labor.

3. Cramping

By now, cramps would’ve become a common occurrence, and a new cramp may not ring any alarm bells. But, if you experience period like cramps for more than three hours, there’s a chance you are experiencing early labor.

4. Back problems

Sometimes, the early symptoms of labor can lead to a dull, consistent pain in the back. If a backache continues for more than two hours, consult the doctor immediately.

5. Pelvic problems

As the baby drops further into the uterus and lowers himself for delivery, the mother can experience severe pelvic pressure before labor begins.

So, if your pregnancy is in advanced stages, and you experience any of these symptoms for more than an hour, you should consult your OB/GYN.

We hope you found our post useful. Did you experience any unique symptoms of early labor? Tell us about it here.

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