
The initial weeks with your newborn can be like a roller coaster journey, isn’t it? The emotions are on an upswing and you are always trying to learn more and more about your baby. In fact, your baby also never gets tired of staring at your face. This is that moment when you begin forming a bond with your little one.

Developing a bond with your baby at an early age is essential. So, it doesn’t matter whether you have an entire day or just five minutes for it. Make an effort to build a strong and loving relationship with your tiny tot. This bonding will help you cope with your little angel when he/she turns into an angsty teenager.

Of course, nursing your baby is one way to develop a relationship with him/her. But, there are other ways to do the same. A few of those are, in fact, quite creative! Here, we bring you a list of things that you can do (apart from breastfeeding) to bond with your little one:

1. Talking Out Loud To Them

Obviously, your baby can’t really talk back. But, it’s alright. Doing this will make you feel a little less lonely, especially during the first few weeks. The best part is that talking out loud might help with your baby’s social and cognitive development. You can do this anytime – during breakfast, while taking him/her out for fresh air, or put him/her to sleep. You could also read out a short story or just narrate how your day was. Trust us, this will surely make you feel happier and relaxed too!

2. Holding Their Teeny Tiny Hands Or Feet

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We have all heard that a skin-to-skin contact with the mother can do wonders for the baby. Apart from having health benefits like improved breathing, the touch can help you feel more connected with your little one. It helps you sail through particularly challenging days. This one is pretty easy too. Just hold those tiny hands or feet while cradling your baby during nap time. You can also cuddle your little angel in your arms more often.

3. Take Pictures With Them

No, we are not talking about clicking hundreds of photographs just to post it on social media. You don’t have to do that if you are not comfortable with it. You can just click photographs to capture the mommy-and-baby moments, forever. Looking at these pictures will elevate your mood during those difficult days. Nostalgia can be wicked; so it is better to use this one to your advantage. Revisiting those candid moments with your little one might ease your typical frustrations as you struggle with your new-mommy duties. In fact, it might actually rejuvenate you!

4.将这些日常Chores Into Bonding Opportunities

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Other moms might have told you how there will always be clothes to wash daily – be it blankets or burp clothes. They are telling you the truth. You will spend an awful amount of time around your washing machine and dryer. Use those opportunities to have some fun time with your tiny tot. Put him/her on that high chair as you sing or talk to him/her while he/she looks at you with those big, beautiful eyes. You’ll soon find this mundane activity turn into a more meaningful and amazing experience.

5. Involve Your Spouse Too

Fulfilling all those new-mom responsibilities can be a little tiring, at times. So, involving your better half by sharing responsibilities with him can give you a much-needed break. And, it is really a win-win situation since your husband will also get to bond with the baby. We agree that not every spouse is going to be enthusiastic about it. But, it is better to involve him early on. This will help improve the fine relationship balance. Especially, in the long run!

We hope that this list gives you enough ideas to have a more tight-knit bond with your tiny angel. So drop everything else and go spend more time with your little one. Happy bonding!

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