This Woman’s Hilarious Grocery List To Her Husband Is Going Viral

This article begins with a rant and ends with pure admiration.

Married life isn’t all the bliss that the Brothers Grimm and Disney fairytales try to sell you. There are well-intentioned yet overbearing in-laws to manage, the transition into a new life and oodles of compromises to reconcile with.

However, women being the inherently strong and fabulous creatures they are, can usually brave through it all. After all, we survived female puberty and labor pain, people LABOR! But if there’s one of life’s lemon that most wives just can’t tolerate… that one little thorn in the proverbial ‘rose’ a marriage can be (please don’t roll your eyes), which just prick oh-so-much, it’s hubbies going to get the groceries.

Huh. I can hear a gazillion women around the world huff and puff simultaneously.

I don’t blame them. This is the ultimate rant trigger for a married woman. Doesn’t matter what culture, race or ethnicity you hail from, there’s no other topic in this entire world- I’ll go ahead and say the universe actually (I’m sure even alien couples can bond with me on this)- as exasperating and as maddeningly infuriating as a husband’s sheer incomprehension of groceries. Honestly, give me global warming, give me famine and pestilence, give me the North Korea conflict! I will graciously and (somewhat) calmly tackle those dilemmas over my hubby’s grocery blunders any given day. Ugh.

Now, most of us will agree that our husbands are perfectly educated and rather intelligent men. Actually, I’ll go ahead and say mine is absolutely brilliant- basically a living genius. Like for real. But for some inexplicable reason, the one thing the man just CANNOT do is shop for groceries.

He initially claimed it was because he was just so very confused. Yes, he does enjoy brinjal curry and methi ki sabzi he says, but other than that he hasn’t given fruits and vegetables much thought. “Oh,” he says, “The length and width of your bhindhi should matter?” He ponders over this for a while. “No,” he pompously continues, “It shouldn’t really bother you. After all”, he continues to add like an oh-so-wise food Yoda, “In the end it’s all just chewed and digested, right?”

This is usually followed with me delivering a resounding “No” through gritted teeth or simply face palming. Only a woman will understand my soul-searing pain. What follows is an intense and rigorous education about what, how and why to purchase. But somehow, despite getting through college, he still subsequently fails on his next grocery run.

He claims he must be inherently bad at it.
I believe it’s all a conspiracy against my sanity.

While most women have simply reconciled with living in misery, one woman on the World Wide Web, however, decided to take matters in her own hand. On 24th September 2017, Era Londhe tweeted a shopping list through her Twitter account, which has now gone viral. Since she can’t always accompany her hubby on grocery runs and supervise his purchases, she did the next best thing- gave him a detailed list.

现在,这个列表没有任何普通的,普通的listing of what to buy. Oh, no. With each entry come thorough instructions on size, shape, weight and color. Some of them also have helpful illustrations of what to avoid and what to aspire for. This remarkably determined wife has left absolutely nothing to chance. It’s safe to say; she means business.

Check out this uber meticulous list down below. Caution, you are about to fall in love.


We can only empathize with what drove this amazing woman to write that work of art. Ms. Londhe can we just say a big thank you on behalf of womankind? I mean can someone please give this lady a Nobel Peace Prize already? Just saying.

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