7 Hilarious Signs You're Definitely A New Parent

No matter how many parenting books you’ve read, nothing prepares you for being a new parent. It comes with a completely new set of responsibilities, fears, worries, and excitement. It’s one hell of a roller coaster ride where one brief moment you might be at the top of your game but soon you’ll find yourself to be completely clueless and lost in taking care of your little one. In thisMomJunction后,我们给你7滑稽迹象表明尖叫new parents.

1. You Start To Find Tortilla Chips In Your Bra

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你不要犹豫吃。作为一个新莫m, it’s hard to find time to eat healthy meals so you survive mostly on snacks. Since half of your day is spent breastfeeding your little one, it’s no wonder that you snack while feeding your baby. You want to hold your little one as much as you can, and if that means snuggling while eating, so be it. But chances are that you now find more food crumbs on your bra than your kitchen cabinet.

2. You Feel Like Your Nipples Are Constantly On Display


After letting your doctor put his fingers inside your cervix multiple times and giving birth in a room full of strangers, you thought that was it. But soon you would realize that it’s just the beginning. If you are a breastfeeding mum, you will constantly have to pull out your girls whether you are at a restaurant, mall, or public transport. And to make things even harder, you will be met with several disapproving eyes and remarks.

3. You Have Cleaned Poop From Every Surface In Your House

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You have heard from fellow parents and mommies that newborns poop a lot. But we bet you had no idea how much. You wonder how their tiny little bodies can poop so much in a day. Babies are capable of projectile pooping, which means you are going to be cleaning poop off the walls, tables, and even your clothes.

4. Making Panic-Induced Calls To Your OB-GYN At 12 In The Morning


From the minute your baby is born, you are constantly worried about his/her safety. You go to great lengths to make sure you don’t make any mistakes as a parent. When your baby twitches, turns, or makes a weird sound, you worry that he is down with some serious illness. You have your doctor’s number on speed dial, and you make at least 5 phone calls to him every week.

5. Your Diaper Bag Has More Things Than When You Backpacked To Europe

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Your diaper bag is essentially a mini nursery that has everything you might need when you are stepping out with your baby. You’ve made far too many mistakes of not carrying this essential with you and struggled to find a baby wipe, diaper, or change of clothes in an emergency. With a diaper bag, you feel like a ninja mom even if it means compromising on your style and tugging along a heavy bag wherever you go.

6. You Learn To Fall Asleep Sitting On The Toilet

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You feel like going into Hulk-mode whenever your single friends complain about feeling tired or not having enough time for themselves. You know nobody can beat you when it comes to being the most tired. You are majorly sleep-deprived and tired of breastfeeding and changing nappies. Even caffeine has failed miserably in keeping you awake. Your husband mostly finds you passed out in the toilet seat. You are now thinking of keeping a crash pad in the bathroom.

7. You Go To Office With Baby Sock Stuck To Your Bum


Baby socks are so tiny that you don’t realize it is stuck on your pants until a co-worker points it out. Though you feel embarrassed for a minute, you soon realize that it is better than having a red lacy thong static-clung to your slacks.

There’s no denying that being a parent can be overwhelming. Even though you wait for the day your baby becomes a bit more independent and you can catch up on your sleep, you desperately try to hold on to these fleeting moments as a new parent. Do you relate to these signs of being a new parent? Comment below and let us know.

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