HPV During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Risks Factors And Treatment


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a causative agent of sexually transmitted infections. Genital HPV infection is common, with 75% of sexually active adults being exposed to the infection at least once in their lifetime (1)。

Most HPV infections are asymptomatic (2)。However, the mildimmunosuppressed stateiXA state in which the body has weak immunity or the ability to fight against infections mainly due to the effect of medicationsand hormonal shifts during pregnancy may cause a woman to develop symptoms of HPV infection in pregnancy(3)。Read on to know more about the symptoms, risk factors, treatments, and preventive measures for HPV infection during pregnancy.

In This Article

Symptoms Of HPV Infection

HPV infections are mostly asymptomatic. The most common symptoms of the infection arewartsiXA small, painless bump on the skin caused by viruses and can spread from one part of the body to the other, which may appear on any part of the body.Warts that appear inside or outside the genitals or anus usually indicate a sexual transmission of HPV.

  • Other common symptoms of HPV infection are (4) (5):
  • Flat lesions that appear like spots
  • Bump-like projections with abnormal appearance
  • Itchingor burning sensation in the genital region
  • Vaginal bleeding during or after a sexual intercourse

protip_icon Things to know
Genital warts can also occur on the lips and tongue (5)。

Itching or burning sensation in the genital region

Image: Shutterstock

These symptoms may be present in other conditions, such as other sexually transmitted infections. Certain types of HPV may increase the risk of cancer of宫颈, vagina, anus, throat, and mouth. Therefore, see a doctor to determine the underlying cause.

Mode Of Transmission Of HPV Infection

HPV infection occurs due to any of the more than 100 types of human papillomaviruses(5)。The HPV virus can pass from the infected person through the following ways (6) (7)。

  • Vaginal, oral, or anal sex
  • Touching warts of an infected person
  • Touching contaminated objects, such as a doorknob

HPV transmission can occur even when the person withthe virushas no symptoms. The most common symptoms of HPV infection are warts, which may not appear for weeks to months after infection (5)。

protip_icon Things to know
Although there are many types of HPV, not all cause warts on the genitals. Only HPV types 6 and 11 cause genital warts in most cases (5)。

Risk Factors Of HPV Infection In Pregnancy

The following factors may increase the risk of developing HPV infection during pregnancy.

  • Sexual activity:Women who are sexually active during pregnancy may have a higher risk of contracting the virus.
  • Multiple sex partners: Women with multiple sex partners are at an increased risk of developing sexually transmitted infections, such as HPV infection.

    Having multiple sex partners increases the risk of HPV infection

    Image: Shutterstock

  • Weakened immunity:Stress,diabetes, and certain medicines may weaken your immunity and affect maternal health, making you susceptible to infections, such as an HPV infection.
  • Past infections:You may be at a higher risk of developing HPV infection if you have had previousviral infections, such as HSV (herpesiXA group of viruses that cause painful blisters or sores around the genitals, mouth, or rectum) infection.
  • Age:A study noted that women younger than 25 years might be at a higher risk of contracting HPV infection during pregnancy(8)。More research is needed to establish the link between age and the risk of infection.

Diagnosis Of HPV Infection During Pregnancy

Testing for HPV infections is usually not done during pregnancy. However, if your doctor suspects any signs of infection in you or detects any presence of warts during a routine screening, they may screen you for HPV infection with the following tests (5) (9)。

  • Pelvic examination:Your OB/GYN will performa pelvic(cervical) exam to visualize the presence of warts externally.
  • PAP test:Pap smear test is useful to determine abnormalities in cervical cells. The sample is taken from your cervix and examined for infection. The test is widely used to detect cervical cancers.

    Pap test is useful to determine abnormalities in cervical cells.

    Image: Shutterstock

  • Colposcopy:这个测试用于可视化生殖器warts or abnormal cervical cells. Your gynecologist may suggest a biopsy to check for cervical abnormalities.
  • Molecular testing (HPV DNA test):A HPV DNA test is done after your doctor detects an abnormal pap test and confirms the presence of genital warts. It is an additional test to evaluate high-risk HPV infections that may lead to cancers.

Treatment For HPV Infection During Pregnancy

There is no cure known for HPV infection, and the virus stays in the body forever (10)。Nevertheless, in most cases, the immune system subdues the effects of the virus, relieving the symptoms of the infection.

HPV treatments are usually directed towards managing symptoms or excision of warts and may include the following (11)

  • Cryotherapy: A technique used to freeze warts or abnormal cervical cells, usually with liquid nitrogen.
  • Laser removal:This method uses high-intensity light to destroy abnormal cells or tissues.
  • Electrical removal(electrocautery):This is a procedure to burn off the infected tissues and warts with the heat of an electric cutter.

    Electrocautery can treat HPV tissues and warts

    Image: Shutterstock

  • Surgery:Surgical procedures, such as small excisions,cold knife cones (CKC)iXA surgery in which an abnormal cone-shaped tissue is removed from the cervix with a laser knife., andloop electrosurgical excision (LEEP)iXA surgery in which a heated wire loop is used to remove abnormal cells from the tissue of the cervix, may be used to remove harmful tissues and prevent the development of malignancies.
  • Topical medications:Your doctor may prescribe certain medicated creams to apply on warts. You may note that the use of certain medications is contraindicated in pregnancy. Therefore, do not use any over-the-counter medicines for warts.

Your doctor may choose suitable treatment modalities based on the severity of infection’s symptoms and stage of pregnancy and after considering possible risks and complications.

Prevention Of HPV Infection In Pregnancy

从人类papillomavir某些类型的感染uses can be prevented through the HPV vaccine. Make sure to get vaccinated before you conceive for the best protection. As per CDC, HPV vaccination is recommended for everyone before the age of 26. If you are older than 26, speak to your healthcare provider or obstetrician before getting the vaccine.

You can observe the following precautions to avoid the risk of infection during pregnancy (12) (13)。

  • Have safe sex:Make sure to use condoms duringsexual intercourseto reduce the chances of acquiring HPV and other sexually transmitted infections. A study noted that condoms during sex could reduce the risk of HPV infection by 70% in women (14)。

    Use condoms during sexual intercourse

    Image: Shutterstock

  • Practice monogamy:Having multiple sex partners can increase your risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections such as HPV infection.
  • Discuss the risks of STIs with your partner:Be sure to know if your partner has any history of sexually transmitted infections before having sex (15)。
protip_icon Caution
The HPV vaccine,Gardasil i XA vaccine used for females between nine and 45 for the prevention of cancers of the reproductive organs by the HPV virus, contains aluminum (aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate) and is not advised for women who are pregnant or are trying for pregnancy (4)。

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can HPV cause infertility?

Studies suggest that HPV infection could be a risk factor for infertility but not the only cause. Further research is needed to evaluate the role of HPV in causing female infertility (16)。

2. Can a woman with HPV give birth naturally?

It is possible to have a natural birth with HPV. However, your doctor will suggest the type of delivery based on the severity of the infection. Your doctor may suggest a cesarean delivery if the genital lesions obstruct the birth canal or are at the risk of rupturing during delivery (17)。

3. Can HPV be transmitted during childbirth?

Studies have shown that a woman with an HPV infection may pass the infection to the fetus during birth (18)。It may lead to infection symptoms, such aswarts in babies.

4. Does HPV increase the risk of miscarriage?

HPV infection during pregnancy might be associated with certain pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, restricted fetal growth,low birth weight,andpreterm birthiXA birth that takes place three weeks before the normal due date or the 37th week of pregnancy(19)。

5. Does HPV get worse during pregnancy?

The various hormonal changes that the body undergoes during pregnancy may make HPV worse (20)。然而,在某些情况下,荷尔蒙的变化y make the virus less active, decreasing the risk of HPV-related complications.

HPV infection during pregnancy may be asymptomatic in some women, while others may have noticeable symptoms. Speak to your doctor if you suspect you have symptoms of HPV infection. Early detection may help avoid complications, including certain types of cancers. Vaccine and precautions may usually help avoid the infection in most women.

Key Pointers

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) in pregnant women.
  • Most women are asymptomatic; however, you must report to your doctor if you notice lesions, bumps in the privates, or vaginal bleeding and itching.
  • History of STDs, having multiple sex partners, and a weakened immune system during pregnancy might increase the risk of developing HPV.
  • Practicing safe sex, monogamy, and getting vaccinated against HPV are effective measures to prevent this infection during pregnancy.


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  1. Ankit H. Bharti, et al.; (2013); An update on oral human papillomavirus infection.
  2. DeekshaPandey, et al.; (2019); Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection in Early Pregnancy: Prevalence and Implications.
  3. S. Bandyopadhyay and R Chatterjee; (2006); HPV viral load determination during pregnancy as a possible cervical cancer risk.
  4. HPV During Pregnancy.
  5. Genital warts.
  6. Genital HPV Infection – Fact Sheet.
  7. How to get rid of warts.
  8. P. Liu et al.; (2014); The prevalence and risk of human papillomavirus infection in pregnant women.
  9. S. Arena, et al.; (2002); HPV and pregnancy: diagnostic methods, transmission and evolution.
  10. Jon K. Hathaway; (2012); HPV: diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.
  11. Lynette Luria, Gabriella Cardoza-Favarato; (2021); Human Papillomavirus.
  12. HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).
  13. Genital Warts (Human Papillomavirus).
  14. Consistent Condom Use Lowers Risk Of HPV Infection.
  15. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine.
  16. Shuang Yuan. et al.; (2019); Human papillomavirus infection and female infertility: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  17. P. Singhal, et al; (2009); Pregnancy and sexually transmitted viral infections
  18. SeungMi Lee, et al.; (2013); Risk of Vertical Transmission of Human Papillomavirus throughout Pregnancy: A Prospective Study.
  19. Victor N Chilaka, et al.; (2021); Human papillomavirus (HPV) in pregnancy – An update.
  20. Deeksha Pandey et al.; (2019); Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection in Early Pregnancy: Prevalence and Implications.
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