4 Unexpected Benefits Of Morning Sickness For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a rewarding time. But it has more than it’s fair share of complications and problems. One such problem that often reappears and is rather unpleasant is morning sickness.

These not-so-morning bouts of sickness can drive you crazy, especially during the first trimester. But, what if we told you that morning sickness has many benefits? Well, like many others, you’d probably laugh at that.

Morning sickness is a telltale sign of pregnancy, which almost every pregnant woman experiences. It is characterized by frequent bouts of vomiting, which can occur due to a variety of foods and smells.
But, can something so unpleasant and awful be good for your body? Let’s look at the facts:

  1. Lower risk of miscarriage:A study in the Reproductive Toxicology journal concluded thatwomen who experience vomiting or morning sickness during pregnancy are at a lower risk of miscarriagethan mothers who did not have those symptoms.
  1. Higher IQ in baby:The study also noted that babies whose mothers experienced morning sickness had higher IQ than babies whose moms did not exhibit these symptoms.
  1. Flushes out toxins:Some experts believe that morning sickness is an evolutionary development, which is designed to protect the unborn baby from anything that may seem potentially harmful. You may be extra careful about your diet, and may want to protect your little one from every possible infection. But sometimes you may overlook things and eat foods that may not be safe for the developing fetus. Even foods that ordinarily seem harmless may contain bacteria that could adversely affect the fetus. Vomiting helps flush such toxins from the body and protect your baby from infections and other complications.
  1. Adaptive response:In 2000, research conducted on the effects of morning sickness on embryo health, concluded that the conditionis an adaptive response, designed to protect the fetus.

根据吉迪恩Kieron博士主要研究作者,“The present analysis reveals a consistent, favorable effect of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy on rates of miscarriages, congenital malformations, fetal growth, prematurity, and better developmental outcomes on standard psychological tests.”

So, the next time you have morning sickness, afford a thought to all the good it does for the baby inside of you.

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