Here’s Why I Moved To Tetra Pak Milk

When I poured a glass of milk for my daughter, straight from a Tetra Pak carton, my friend Meena was shocked. “Cartons are bad. I would never use them for my kids,” she said.

“They’re not bad at all. I use carton milk all the time, and my daughter is as healthy as your kids. Also, cartons are more convenient,” I said.

Like me, many people in India are beginning to realize the goodness of Tetra Pak (a synonym for cartons) packaging. Nevertheless, there is still a majority that is wary of buying milk sold in cartons.

Why are people scared to try something new and better? The answer is simple: lack of awareness. In this article, we bring to you solid facts to prove that Tetra Pak is a friend, not an enemy.

Is Tetra Pak Milk Safe?

Yes! Milk packed in cartons is safe enough for kids, even if it is not boiled. But how can milk be safe if it is not boiled well?

That was a question that nagged me in the beginning.Growing up, I saw my mom pour milk from the packet straight into the container and then boil it. It had to come down to 90% of its original quantity before she gave it to us, or even used in tea. So, when I read that milk in the Tetra Pak carton doesn’t need to be boiled, I was intrigued and did my own research.

That’s when I learnt about the ultra-heat treatment or UHT, a process used to sterilize milk by heating it at high temperatures of over 135 degrees Celsius for up to 3-4 seconds. This process apparently kills any spores (certain enzymes) in the milk without reducing its nutritional value.

Agreed that I was skeptical about this UHT in the beginning. But when I saw that my kids were as healthy as before and didn’t have any problems after consuming milk straight from the carton, I was not worried anymore.

Safety First, For Sure

One of the common misconceptions about Tetra Pak milk is that it has preservatives. But here is the fact: Tetra Pak milk is also real milk, only packaged differently. All dairy or plant-based milk is UHT treated for eliminating the bad bacteria in it.No preservatives are neededand the milk stays longer thanks to the packaging technology and not preservatives.

Tetra Pak packaging material offers a six-layer protection: four layers of polyethylene, one layer of cardboard and one layer of aluminum (for oxidization). That is also a reason why Tetra Pak is spill-proof. And another fact that really made the environment-friendly me happy was that Tetra Pak cartons are recyclable, which means they have a minimal impact on the environment!

Nutritious Too

We have also heard some moms say that Tetra Pak milk is not nutritious for kids. They couldn’t be farther from the truth. The same UHT treatment that helps in increasing the shelf life of milk also ensures that the nutrients in the milk are not destroyed. The UHT treated milk is quickly passed through the cooling stage, then poured into a sterilized Tetra Pak container and sealed.

The packaging process is continuous and is done in a closed system, to prevent any adulteration by air-borne contaminators. The process also removes any loss of nutrients before the milk reaches the consumer. So yes,Tetra Pak milk is nutritiousand good for children. You can rest assured that it will not compromise your child’s health.

Convenience – A Bonus

Milk sold loose is not UHT treated and may contain harmful bacteria. Therefore, it needs to be boiled for at least 10-13 minutes. But Tetra Pak milk is UHT processed, which means that all the bad bacteria in it has already been eliminated. The carton is then sealed tight to prevent external elements from contaminating the beverage. So yes, you can drink Tetra Pak milk straight out of the carton,no boiling needed.

This technology has been a blessing for me. There were several occasions when my kids would want to have a glass of milk, quite late at night. Each time, the Tetra Pak milk cartons in my pantry came to my rescue. Having a carton of Tetra Pak milk also allows me the luxury of extra sleep because I don’t need to run into the kitchen to boil it multiple times, before consuming it!

And guess what. I don’t mind if guests come in unannounced, for I always have enough milk in store

Tetra Pak Protects Health and Saves Money

When you want to ensure your family’s well-being, you should buy products packed in Tetra Pak. Tetra Pak cartons retain the goodness of the food in them and also prevent wastage. Milk from opened Tetra Pak lasts longer than milk in regular packets, thus removing the need to consume it the same day.

Tetra Pak makes your life a lot more convenient. More than that, it retains the goodness of food and keeps your family healthy and safe.

I have been using TetraPak milk for my children since they were three. I know that the milk in these cartons is good and healthy for my child! After all, a healthy and happy child is what a mother strives for.

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