What Type of Pregnancy Test Should You Use?


Whether you’re late in getting your period or trying to conceive, it’s crucial to have the right information about pregnancy tests. When should you take the test so that it’s not too soon? What kind of test should you be going for? Scroll below for all the info.

When Should You Be Taking A Pregnancy Test?

When Should You Be Taking A Pregnancy Test?

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It’s usually recommended not to go for the test too early, regardless of whether you want to get pregnant or hope for negative results. Understandably, you would want to know whether you’re expecting or not as early as possible, but for accurate results, it is better if you wait for a week after you’ve missed your period (1). This is done to ensure that your body has sufficient time to produce enough hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) for it to be detected on a test (2). So, if you have not been keeping track of your menstrual cycle or have an irregular cycle, this process might be a little more complicated for you.

What Are The Different Types Of Pregnancy Tests?

What Are The Different Types Of Pregnancy Tests?

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There are two main types of pregnancy tests — blood and urine.

The urine test is more common of the two. One can perform it at a doctor’s clinic or at home using a pregnancy test kit. The kit is used to measure the hCG hormone in one’s urine. The different tests available in the market usually vary on their sensitivity, depending on the lowest hCG level that they claim to measure (3).

Once you’ve gotten a urine test either at home or at your doctor’s, you can also go for a blood test to note if the hCG hormone is on the rise. Blood tests tend to be more effective than urine tests in detecting the hCG early on because they are more sensitive. If you plan to get pregnant, then a blood test can also help make sure if the level of hCG is rising appropriately.

What Are The Different Types Of Pregnancy Tests?

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许多女性接受的“化学怀孕”they lose their pregnancy in the first few weeks of gestation. This usually occurs when a negative result follows a positive test result. Observing the hCG levels can help one detect whether or not there has been a miscarriage. If the hCG levels do not rise, the person will go through a miscarriage that feels like a heavy period (4). A chemical pregnancy is quite common in that several women may not even know that they were pregnant if they did not take a pregnancy test. It doesn’t always have any symptoms, and when there are symptoms, they are very similar to being on one’s period. These include mild spotting and abdominal cramps (5). But for women who are planning to have a baby, a chemical pregnancy can be a difficult experience.

Are Homemade Tests Accurate?

Other Reasons For A Late Period 

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You might find many articles on the internet about homemade pregnancy tests that involve salt, sugar, toothpaste, etc. But it is better not to solely rely on these because there hasn’t been enough medical research on their efficacy. Whether or not you want to plan for a child at this point in life, it is better to go for medically approved tests. All the reliable tests detect the presence of hCG in your body. Since there isn’t any scientific evidence that claims that salt, sugar, toothpaste can help detect hCG levels in any way, homemade tests cannot be relied upon.

Other Reasons For A Late Period

Other Reasons For A Late Period 

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If your period is late and your home pregnancy test is negative, there may be a different reason for it apart from pregnancy. Stress, weight gain or weight loss, excessive exercise, etc., are also known to affect your menstrual cycle (6).

Whether or not you are planning to get pregnant, making an informed choice while opting for a pregnancy test can help reduce the stress and uncertainty associated with this new change in your body.

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