Here's How You can Make Caesarean Delivery An Experience To Remember

交货之路绝非易事。当大喜的日子approaches, you become a bundle of nerves. It’s an experience of a mixed bag of emotions – anxiety, excitement, fear, and impatience. However, with a little preparation and planning, you can sail through it despite the high tides.

If your doctor has informed that you are going to have a caesarean section delivery, or even if it’s your own choice – don’t worry about it. Get prepared for the day so that it can be smoother than expected. Here are some ways to make your caesarean delivery an experience to remember.

  1. Do your research:Read up on the Internet about how the procedure is going to be. Learn and understand everything related to childbirth through Caesarean, so that you know what is happening to you and what to expect. Watch real-time or animated videos – it will make you less anxious during delivery.
  1. Talk to your doctor:Ask questions and get all your doubts clarified from your doctor. Understand the incision procedure and suturing type.
  1. Gain knowledge:Talk to moms, friends, or other women who have been there and done that. Listen to their experiences. Take suggestions, opinions, and recommendations. It can all be overwhelming, but just go with the flow.
  1. Have a plan:C-section can be planned, unlike a normal delivery. Plan the day of Caesarean, clothes you will carry, stuff you will need. A lot of other things such as the time when you want to be admitted to the hospital and when you want your child to come out can also be planned.
  1. Take rest:Get enough rest and sleep, don’t over-stress yourself.
  1. Be strong:Prepare yourself mentally and physically. Try breathing exercises and meditation to remain calm and focus your mind.
  1. Be patient:As the days draw near to your full-term, you will be restless and want to get done with your delivery. Don’t lose your patience instead, practice living in the moment.
  1. Stay calm and positive:You might be dreading the hour, but staying positive helps and keeps your vitals in control. You don’t want your blood pressure to shoot up at the last minute. So stay calm and be positive.
  1. Be assertive:Once you are done with your delivery, be clear if you don’t want anyone to see you and the baby immediately. People can wait until you recover and get enough rest. You would want to be alone with your baby and husband at this time, so let people respect that.

Here are a few important things to note after your C-section delivery:

  • Use a waist belt around your tummy.
  • Make sure you breastfeed your baby after the surgery. Colostrum is the first milk that is produced from the mother, which is yellow and sticky and is nutritious and important for the baby.
  • Don’t stick to your bed – try getting off the bed with support and move a bit even though it’s a bit painful. Don’t over-stress yourself, though.
  • Don’t take strain and stress. Stress will only lead to further complications. So, get enough rest and start bonding with your baby.
  • Take all the prescribed medications so that you can recover quickly.
  • Let the baby be safe and free from infections through visitors, by excusing yourself for a while. If you do have any visitors, make sure that they sanitize their hands before they hold the baby.

Things might not work out as planned in spite of meticulous planning, so don’t get anxious. Just try and take it easy and remain positive and have a great caesarean birthing experience.

If you had C-section delivery, let us know what made you choose it and how was your experience.

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