Tips To Have A Safe Holi While Pregnant

Holi is round the corner, and you just can’t wait to get drenched in the various colors. It is a festival where everyone just goes gung-ho! And family and friends have little to no restrictions on coloring each other up! But what if you are pregnant? The thought of the safety and care of the baby worries you, doesn’t it? This would mean that you would have to be extra cautious! And how? We’ll tell you.

  1. Be careful while you drink and eat outside. You might want to avoid eating outside totally as it is unhygienic and unhealthy. Pack small snacks to satisfy your frequent hunger pangs.
  1. Make sure you drink enough water to prevent dehydration. Drinking more water means the urge to urinate frequently, so ensure that you use a toilet that is hygienic instead of a public toilet. You don’t want to have urine infection at this time.
  1. Use organic colors as they are safe. So, even if others are applying colors on you, be firm that they apply only organic colors. Stay away from chemical colors.
  1. Avoid standing in one position for a longer time as it might cause edema in your legs. Try changing positions and sit down frequently.
  1. Wear comfortable loose clothes to beat the summer heat and protect your skin.
  1. Apply vaseline petroleum jelly or good old coconut oil on your body and face that will help remove the color easily later.
  1. Don’t over-stress yourself. You need to get enough rest at this time, so limit your time playing outside.
  1. You need to be extra careful while playing with water. It’s better if you avoid water, as it is risky if you accidentally slip. You could also catch cold and other infections due to reduced immunity levels.
  1. Wash immediately after you play and do not let the colors dry up.

It’s always a good idea to play with your family and close friends so that they can take care of you when you need their help or support.

Do take your doctor’s advice, as she will recommend dos and don’ts according to your gestation period. Remember, if you have skin allergies, take your doctor’s advice before you play with colors.

If you are a breastfeeding mother, then here’s what you need to know to play safe Holi:

  1. Cover yourself with full sleeved clothes and wear a good bra that is padded well so that it protects your breasts and nipples.
  1. Some colors have chemicals such as mercury that can be absorbed through the skin easily and make its way through the breastmilk. This could adversely affect the baby when the baby breastfeeds. So beware of such colors. It’s not just your breasts, but you need to ensure that no color remains on your body for a long time.
  1. Don’t eat anything outside as it could be unhygienic.
  1. It’s better if you feed your baby before you play Holi. You could play while he is sleeping and quickly get back in time for his next feed. If you think you would get late or stuck outside playing, expressing and storing milk for a day or two is a good idea.

If you need any expert advice, do consult your doctor or health practitioner for recommendations.

The little ones are more excited than you are about playing Holi with their pichkaris, water balloons, and water guns. If you are a mother like I am and are apprehensive about the colors affecting your baby’s sensitive skin, here’s what you need to know to play safe.

  1. Make your own colors using flour. Kids may be tempted to use other colors which are non-organic while playing with others, but if you make them aware of the harmful effects of using them, they will most likely obey you.
  1. 是,不要让孩子们在他们玩selves. They might throw colors in each other’s eye’s, which is harmful.
  1. Don’t let them get drenched in water for a long time – they might fall sick and catch infections.
  1. Apply coconut oil on the body and baby sunscreen on their face. It will protect their sensitive skin.
  1. In a group of colored faces, it becomes almost unrecognizable for you to figure out your kids. So, make sure you have a mark of identification for your kid.

Note that if your kid has any skin allergies, consult your doctor before you let them play with colors.

So, let your kids have a little fun while you take those precautions and let them make some colorful memories for life.

Pregnant, breastfeeding, or kids the bottom line is play it safe and have fun.

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