15 Pregnancy Hacks Every To-Be-Mom Needs To Know

Pregnancy is like a trip to a wonderland, where you will witness many new things that may end very differently than they began, change you as a person. The pregnancy journey is indeed life altering, and you must be well prepared to embark on it. To help you, here we list some tried and tested pregnancy hacks that will help you tackle any obstacles during pregnancy.

Clothing Hacks

  1. 当你的魔法ge to zip up your pants but the button just won’t relent then you can use the elastic trick. You can tie an elastic band on the button hole and then extend it and wrap it around the button. So next time don’t dump your pants because they don’t fit anymore. Just wear them differently.
  1. When implementing the aforementioned elastic hack, remember to wear a long top to cover your snug pants. If are wear a short blouse then wear an old tank top around your waist to cover the button.
  1. Instead of buying new bras for your expanding back and chest, buy yourself the ‘bra-back extender’. This way you can continue using your old bra during pregnancy and even after you get back to your normal size.
  1. Another alternative is a good sports bra. Sports bras are stretchable and also extremely comfortable. With a sports bra, you will not have to worry about adjusting the hook as the sports bra will adjust to your size.
  1. When your clothes start getting tighter, you can always ask your better half to lend you some shirts instead buying those over-sized pregnancy clothes.

Health Hacks

  1. When pregnant, a woman’s body temperature is often high. Keep a spray bottle full of water handy to help you cool down when you feel hot.
  1. Pregnant women complain of tender and hot breasts. To combat this, several women recommend keeping the bra in the freezer and then wearing it. This is a simple yet clever trick for a rather complicated problem.
  1. Suffering from swollen hands and feet, but do not have an ice pack? Do not worry. Look into the fridge again. Do you spot the frozen pea bag? There you go! Your pea bag cum ice pack. You can hold the frozen pea bag over a sore back for some quick relief.
  1. Legs cramps are common during pregnancy. Stock electrolyte powder as electrolyte water is effective in treating leg cramps. Also, eat bananas to replenish the exhausted potassium levels of your body.
  1. 你会建议远离化学物质much as possible. So, if you want to remove your makeup but do not want to use any more chemicals on your skin then use olive oil. Not only is it cheaper than fancy makeup removers, but is also a good for the skin.
  1. Many women deal with morning sickness by indulging in some crackers before getting up from the bed in the morning.
  1. When you feel nauseated, try these yoga poses and see the difference.

Image: credit:stylecraze

Other Hacks

  1. Your swollen belly will restrict you from stretching and reaching certain things. In such cases, buy some extra long kitchen tongs that will help you fetch things easily.
  1. Sleeping constantly on your back can become quite a pain after some time. Try using an inflatable rubber ring to try sleeping in a different position.

Image: credit: Theresa Breithaupt

  1. In the later stages of pregnancy, walking can become a huge problem. Apply for a temporary disabled parking placard that several governments issue for heavily pregnant women. This will save you the pain of walking long stretches.

Hope these hacks make life easier for you. If you have any maternity hacks, then do share it with us by commenting below.

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