Did your kid's name exist before 2000? These ones didn't

Our generation has an obsession to get creative when it comes to naming our babies. Parents want to name their kids in unique and original ways. Unlike the old days where there were a myriad of John, Ravi, and Raj in every corner you turned or every movie you watched, these names virtually didn’t exist before the millennium. You can also get inspired by these names to come up with new ones of your own.



This name gained popularity around 2010-2011. We all know why. All thanks to actress Massie Williams character in Game Of Thrones who is a badass warrior princess. And from what we can say, Arya is here to stay!


This is a name that took off in the early 2000s and gained traction around 2007. It is a lovely French name for a girl, which means “alive.” Vivienne is also the name of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s daughter.


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It has always been a trend to name your kid after your favorite musician. But who would have thought that the idea of the last name would not disappoint us either? Johnny Cash would have been proud to see how he influenced many so much so that they used his last name.


We have heard of Jack. Replace the last two alphabets of the name with “X”, and we got ourselves a Jax. Isn’t it a cool edgy name?


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This name is certainly climbing the charts. It is a powerful name, to say the least, and rightly so! Celebrities such as Chris Brown who named his daughter Royalty and Kourtney Kardashian who named her son Reign have certainly taken to this fad.


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Kris Jenner sure knew how to pick names for her daughters. Khloe is one of the Kardashians and we can safely agree that she set the ball rolling for this name.


This is a trending name for boys, especially in Spain. It is definitely a cool name, and might even catch on as a gender-neutral name. What are your thoughts?


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This name gained popularity in the United States, England, and Wales. It was ranked the 4thmost popular name in 2012 in England and Wales. Isla Fisher is a famous celebrity who has this name.


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Another Angelina Jolie pick, Maddox is a beautiful name. When it comes to picking names for their kids, Angelina is a pro. Don’t you agree?


Kingston is a unique name and isn’t too out there either. It’s also the name of Gwen Stefani’s son. All the more reason to love it because who doesn’t love Gwen!


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You would have never guessed it was a rare name. Thanks to celebrities like Mila Kunis, this moniker is gaining popularity. It is quite popular in Europe as well.


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We are not sure whether it was the ornamental design or the love for the country music star, Brad Paisley. But this name took off to popularity around 2005.



涅瓦河eh is a beautiful name. Why, you ask? Because it’s heaven spelled backward. This name has been trending from 2000-2007.



If you are one of the trekkies, you know what we are talking about. Commander Riker is one of the characters from the Star Trek series. Or, did it catch on from the Marvel movie Hulk? Ryker was the name of one of the enemies of Hulk. What’s interesting is that both the characters played the villain in the movie.


We have all heard of different variants of this name- Lily, Leela, Layla. This name is a throwback to the same with a twist.



Who would have thought that the name of the foggy town would make the cut for a trendy name? People got hugely creative and added a millennial twist with a ‘Y.’


We think anything with a ‘Z’ will make for a cool and edgy name. With names like Aiden and Jaden, this name has it all.

We hope you got some name-spiration by reading our post. Do let us know if you have a cool name that could make it to the list in the comment section below.

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