9 Things You Should Say To Your Kids Every Single Day

Parenting doesn’t start and end with feeding your kids when they are hungry, keeping them safe from physical harm, and providing them with basic education. It requires much more than that. Your kids look up to you for everything. You are their best role model and everything you say has an impact on their lives. It makes them who they are. Your words shape their personality, build their confidence and play a significant role in their attitude towards the world around them. Therefore, it’s crucial to affirm your kids with words of encouragement and love daily, so they are engulfed with self-confidence and security. But what are these magical words or phrases that can have such enormous impacts on your children? If you’re wondering where to look, you can stop your frantic search because you’ve stumbled onto the right place. Keep reading as we list down nine things you should say to your child every single day:

“I Trust You”

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How often do you tell your kids that you trust them? It’s natural for every parent to have fears and doubts about their kids, especially once they hit their preteen years. However, letting your kids know that you trust them makes them trust you too. It builds their confidence in you, and they may even start to confide in you.

“You’re Strong”

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Being a kid is not easy. With the digital era taking over, it’s become rather difficult for children to be themselves and avoid comparing their lives to people they see on social media. They might constantly feel like they are not good enough, which only demeans their confidence. It helps to remind them every day that they are strong because kids tend to get wrapped up in overwhelming emotions and forget that they are well… strong kids!

“I’m With You”

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Nothing reassures a child like knowing that they have their parents on their side. Every kid goofs up, makes mistakes, and fails at some point in their lives. During those trying times, tell your kids that you are on their side. It will help them cope with the failure better and become stronger knowing that they have you with them.

“How Did Your Day Go?”

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Asking your kids about their day isn’t necessarily an alien concept. However, how often do we lend a keen ear to understand how their day was? As parents, we tend to get caught up with our own lives, work pressure, and other responsibilities that we don’t carve out the time to really listen to our kids. So, asking them how their day was and giving them undivided attention goes a long way.

“I’m Proud Of You”

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Now, who doesn’t like to hear this one? Every person loves to listen to it, and your kids are no exception. Tell your kids you are proud of them every chance you get and watch them flourish. Knowing that you are proud of them and appreciate them is all the motivation they need.

“Everything Will Be Okay”

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Everyone has bad days, including your kids. It might be as heartbreaking as your child losing their friend because of a fight or as silly as their favorite box of cereal being sold out at the supermarket. Either way, it’s essential to reassure your kids and let them know that it’s temporary. Tell them that everything will be okay and things will get better. Sometimes, that’s all the strength they need to get through trying times.

“Thank You For Helping Me”

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As a parent, you learn a lot from your kids if you allow yourself too. They teach you how to be present in the moment, and you learn the importance of appreciating the little things in life. Your kids can also be a great deal of help to you in several ways. Perhaps they made you laugh when you were having a bad day, or maybe they helped you clear out the table after dinner. Let them know that you notice it and thank them for helping you. Simple gestures like these go a long way.

“It’s Okay Not To Be Okay”

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While it’s important to reassure kids that things will get better, it’s equally important to validate their feelings. Kids need to understand that it’s okay not to be happy all the time. Sadness, disappointment, anger, and other negative emotions are a part of life. So, tell them that it’s okay not to be okay because it will pass.

“I Love You”

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You can never say “I love you” too many times. Remind your kids that they are loved and that they matter every single day. Being loved can make your kids feel secure and safe. So, go ahead and say those magical words every chance you get, even when they’ve possibly goofed up, especially then!

Raising a child is no joke. You are responsible for another human being, and how they turn out to be as adults reflects their upbringing. So, it’s on you. Therefore, it’s vital that you remind your kids how special they are and how much you love them every single day. What are some of the things you tell your children every day that you’d like to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!

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