Should You Talk To Your Baby Bump?


We’ve seen movies, read books, and heard our elderly talk about the benefits of talking to your baby bump. While it might seem silly or even hard to believe that babies can hear you and recognize your voice, studies show that a fetus develops its auditory system as early as 18 weeks. It continues to grow until the baby is around five to six months old and the development is based on what it hears right from the beginning (1). While you may wonder if talking to your baby while still in the womb is necessary, studies suggest that there are numerous benefits to it. So let’s look at some of the reasons why you should talk to your baby bump:

1. Helps Bond With Your Baby

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Talking to your baby while still in your womb is a great way to create a bond with him/her. Research has shown that babies start to hear voices and get familiar with them as their auditory senses develop. In the early stages of pregnancy, fetuses can only hear low-frequency sounds but as their brain and auditory system start to develop, the range of frequency increases. Over time, the baby starts to recognize and distinguish between voices too (2). Some studies also suggest that a fetus picks up on language patterns even before they are born. So it is good to talk to your baby bump (3).

2. Brain Development

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It might probably surprise you to know that the sound of the mother’s voice aids in the development of the fetus. Studies show that there is a boost in the IQ levels of a baby’s brain when they hear their mother’s voice. This shows that it is important that mothers interact with their babies and familiarize them with their voice. Even in the case of premature babies, studies show that a mother’s voice helped grow the sound centers of a baby’s brain. Therefore, when the babies are in intensive care units, some hospitals use the pre-recording of mothers rather than anything else (4).

3. Soothes Your Baby

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We know that talking to your baby bump helps improve language patterns in babies even before they are born. Similarly, reading to it may help your baby develop a strong sense of liking towards books and inculcate the habit of reading from an early age. Studies have shown that when a mother talks to her baby, or even reads to it, it helps develop the baby’s brain. Besides, by the third trimester, the fetus can recognize the mother’s voice. It may even help lower the baby’s fetal heart rate and build an auditory bond that lasts after birth too (5).

4. Boosts IQ Level

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如果你能让你的宝宝更聪明,说话g to it, you probably would never stop, right? Studies have shown that a mother’s voice can increase a baby’s IQ levels. But what’s even more interesting is that some scientists believe that playing classical music to your baby while it is in your womb helps boost their IQ levels and enhance brain development (6). All the Mozart and Beethoven fans, this is your chance to shine!


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Some studies suggest that talking to your baby regularly and engaging in daily conversations may increase your baby’s creativity and intelligence. It also helps the baby recognize the parents’ voice once he/she is out into the world. Scientists found that during an ultrasound, your baby not only responds to your voice but also reacts to the lights and sounds in the room (7)

The best part about talking to your baby is that he/she will recognize your voice. Imagine your delight when your baby smiles at you for the first time because they know who is talking to them. It must be an irreplaceable feeling! Comment below and let us know what you think. What are some ways in which you talk to your baby bump?

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