9 Funny AF Texts You’ve Only Ever Sent If You Have Kids… Trust Us

为人父母是困难的。深夜哭泣,污垢y diapers, sleepless nights, and occasional mental breakdowns become a part of your daily lives. You forget what it means to have a day to relax. Wait, scratch that. You don’t even have a moment to relax. But when you do, in the rarest of the rare moments, you cherish that to the extent that you did not think was possible. Sounds relatable? While it might be hard to be a parent, there is a sense of comfort you feel that you are not alone. Because misery loves company (JK)! Here are 13 funny texts that every parent can relate to:

1. Your Bar For Feeling Embarrassed Is Too Damn High

As a parent, you have forgotten how it feels to be embarrassed. Poop is an important part of everyday life for you, and you have no shame in admitting that.

2. You Say Things You Never Thought You Would

When you have kids, everything that they can get their hands on goes into their mouth or their butts. We might be expert parents, but we don’t know why they do this.

3. Your Kids By Your Side Are How People Find You

Getting lost in the supermarket happens to everyone. But when you’re a parent, it’s relatively easy to find you because your children will make sure everyone knows that you’re lost.

4. Mess Becomes An Everyday Part Of Your Life

You might think you are a neat freak and cannot stand mess. But when you become a parent, mess will be a part of your life. You accept it and slowly die inside (Jk, or am I?).

5. Your Kids Do Unimaginable Things

You know you’re a toddler parent when your kids take off their clothes like nobody’s business. You secretly wish you could do the same. But psht, you have to be sensible about it.

6. You Learn New Facts About Poop

Poop, poop, and poop! You never thought so much about poop. But it’s a big part of your daily life. You never thought you would wish to see poop every day. But the alternative is worse. You just end up having to deal with a cranky, bloated kid.

7. Your Fights With Your Kids Are Quite Intense

Your kid gets mad, but you don’t know why. All you know is that you have to play along, or you’ll have to face the brunt of it.

8. You Don’t Care About Being A Bad Parent, Sometimes

You Don’t Care About Being A Bad Parent, Sometimes

You reach the highest level of exhaustion. Now, you don’t care. All you want is some me-time, and you don’t care who is in your way. Even if they are your broken condoms, I mean kids. Oops.

9. Your Sense Of Humor Is Too Morbid When You Have Kids

Your Sense Of Humor Is Too Morbid When You Have Kids

Obviously, you don’t mean it. But no harm in venting, is there? Besides, who else can you discuss these things with, other than your partner?

We hope we brought a smile to your face with these texts. It helps to know you’re not alone in your journey, doesn’t it? If you could relate to the texts above, share it with your friends so they can laugh.

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