7 Sacrifices Parents Make To Give Us A Better Life

Being a parent is often considered to be a blessing, a rewarding experience if you will. Most couples are excited to take on the role of parents at some point in their lives. Parenting is a huge responsibility since they are solely responsible for molding their kids into wonderful human beings in our society. However, there is one aspect of parenting that is usually ignored. Here, we list down the 7 sacrifices all parents make to raise their children.

1. Time


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后只有一个人会真正的婴儿understand the value of time. Their entire lives now revolve around their kid and it’s no longer ‘us’, but ‘our baby’. Parents invest their time, energy, and effort into creating a comfortable life for their kids. And the one thing that takes the biggest hit is ‘me time’.

2. Emotions


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Parenting isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Though one will get to experience several sweet moments with their children, there are numerous times when they will find themselves breaking down because of the pressures of parenting. It can get quite overwhelming to be there for someone who commands your attention 24/7. From the notorious toddler temper tantrums to the rebellious teen years, as parents, they have to endure everything and guide us in the right direction.

3. Money


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Right from childbirth, parents spend a sh** load of money to take care of their little ones. From doctor’s appointments, nappies, rompers, and toys during the initial years, to later providing education and other facilities, they spend all their savings on us to ensure we have better opportunities in life. They sacrifice their own dreams and desires such as traveling or following their passion so that their kids’ lives are secured.

4. Social Life

Social Life

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It’s no secret that parents’ social life takes a backseat the moment the baby enters their life. There’s less of afternoon lunch with girls and boys night out, and more of parent-teacher meetings and dropping them off to soccer games and recitals. Their social circle becomes far limited as they become more involved in their kids’ life.

5. Personal Life

Personal Life

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Once the baby comes into the picture, the couple is no longer husband and wife, but mom and dad. The dynamic of the relationship changes and their life now revolves around their kids. Raising kids is a demanding and exhausting job which leaves them with little time for themselves let alone each other. Though most parents try to squeeze in some ‘couple time’, their busy schedule now makes it extremely difficult and far less frequent than before. It’s not until the kid becomes independent or perhaps set off to college that they get enough time for themselves. But by that time, age has caught up with them and they are in their post-retirement phase.

6. Career


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It’s possible that your dad wanted to pursue his passion for arts or music or even start his own business, but instead, he got a well-paying job at a corporate firm. And thanks to the pay disparity in workplaces and the lack of consideration for working mothers, most moms give up on their careers to tend to their children and family needs.



Since most of the decisions revolve around their kids, their decisions always cater to their child’s needs from the car, the house, and the location they live in.

Because of the unconditional love parents have for their kids, oftentimes they are not considered as sacrifices but simply the choices they make. And the above list may not necessarily hold true for every parent, however, it does make us appreciate them even more.

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