World Breastfeeding Week 2020: Five Common Myths About Natural Feeding


Breastfeeding is a natural feeding method that every lactating mother does to provide her newborn baby with nutrients and antibodies. It protects the baby from infections and inflammation and provides immune maturation. It also enhances organ development and healthy microbial colonization (1). Breastfeeding is a biological process that has been around since time immemorial. Not just with human beings but with all mammals. It is more than just a feeding process because it helps infant-mother bonding. Plus, it is associated with several health benefits to the baby and mother (2). Some might even say it’s a sacred process.

In honor of women who breastfeed and promote its health benefits to the baby and the mother, WHO celebrates August 1st to 7th every year as World Breastfeeding Week. To commemorate this particular week, let’s educate ourselves a little more about this miraculous process and bust the 5 most common breastfeeding myths:

1. Myth One: Your Nipples Will Hurt When You Breastfeed

Myth One Your Nipples Will Hurt When You Breastfeed

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You’ve all heard this, and you’re probably lying if you say you do not believe it. Women believe that their nipples are bound to get sore, bleed, and chafe during breastfeeding. While it is entirely normal for new mothers to experience discomfort during breastfeeding and some nipple soreness, any other form of pain is unusual. Breasts become more sensitive when you are lactating, and you will experience some pain during the first few weeks. But after a while, it is bound to go away if you figure out the cause. You can also look up the differentways to manage sore nipples. If the pain persists in your nipples, your baby is probably not latching properly to your breasts (3). Consult your doctor to help you with this.

2. Myth Two: You Cannot Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding

Myth Two You Cannot Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding

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It is a common myth that you cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding. But we are here to tell you that it’s not only a possibility, but it’s also risky. Research suggests that it’s best to space out pregnancies to avoid health risks to the mother and the second child. Besides, it does not give the mother enough time to recover from the previous pregnancy. Pregnancy and breastfeeding deplete your stores of nutrients. Without fully replenishing those nutrients, you are putting your health and your next baby’s health at risk (4).

3. Myth Three: Your Cannot Breastfeed If And When You’re Sick

Myth Three Your Cannot Breastfeed If And When You’re Sick

Image: Shutterstock

Some women believe that they cannot breastfeed when they are sick. But common illnesses like flu, diarrhea, or cold cannot be passed on to your baby. Your body contains antibodies to fight these illnesses, and these antibodies are passed on to your baby through breast milk. It protects the baby from falling sick and builds immunity (5). Research suggests that even if the mother has COVID-19, it is highly unlikely to be transmitted to the baby (6). However, minimal research has been conducted to be sure about it. Therefore, a mother who is tested positive for COVID-19 should take the utmost care when she is with her baby.

4. Myth Four: Many Mothers Find It Difficult To Produce Sufficient Milk

Myth Five Breastfeeding Will Change The Shape Of Your Breasts

Image: Shutterstock

现实情况是,大多数女性产生正确的一个mount of milk that your baby needs. But if you feel that you’re not producing enough milk, it could be for several reasons. Poor attachment or positioning, not feeding your baby frequently enough, giving your baby formula or bottles before the first 6 months, are common reasons. But with a proper diet, exercise, and rest, you should be able to produce sufficient milk. However, your doctor will guide you through these challenges to ensure sufficient milk production (7).

5. Myth Five: Breastfeeding Will Change The Shape Of Your Breasts

This is one of the most common myths of breastfeeding. But does it really change the shape of your breasts? Research shows that breastfeeding does not have any adverse effect on your breast shape or volume. Your breasts tend to sag because the ligaments in them stretch out during pregnancy. But this happens whether or not you breastfeed (8). So do not hesitate to breastfeed because you’re scared that your breasts will change shape. Besides, you can always exercise and get your breasts back to being perky and firm when it’s safe for you and when your doctor allows you.

Breastfeeding can be a satisfying way to nourish and nurture your baby. But many women hesitate to do it because they are afraid of these myths that exist. We hope we helped clear out the confusion. Share this with fellow moms and let them know that it’s completely okay to burst out the tatas!

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