Mom Wakes From C-Section To Find Both Her Legs Cut off

We have heard many stories of the horrors of C-Section, but what Ella Clarke from Torquay, Devon, UK, went through beats it all. Ella, 31, was admitted to the hospital to deliver her eighth child. She was informed that she had a condition named placenta previa or a low-lying placenta. Things were still okay.

Ella was told in the middle of her pregnancy that she would need a caesarean section. She readily agreed as all her previous children were C-section babies. The dreadful phase began when she was made to sleep so that doctors could proceed with the surgery. Though the procedure didn’t last long, Ella woke up six days later to discover that both her legs were amputated.

What on earth went wrong?

What led Clarke to this tragedy?

Well, a medical oversight.

Thirty minutes after the C-section, Ella went through a complication where her placenta entrenched deep in the uterine wall. As a result, massive hemorrhage was caused which made the doctors rush into an emergency hysterectomy. The new mother was put in an induced coma, and it was only after five blood transfusions and six weeks that she opened her eyes to witness the shock.

Though Ella gave birth to a healthy baby girl, her own condition was miserable due to medical negligence. When the new mom was in a coma for six days, the hospital staff was supposed to monitor her condition and make sure there are no blood clots forming in her body.

当医生和护士未能做强制性的routine check for six hours after the surgery, blood clots started forming in Ella’s legs. This affected the blood circulation and stopped the blood supply to her lower limbs. By the time doctors realized the severity of their mistake, it was too late.

Surgeons tried to pump blood externally to restore circulation but to no avail. They were eventually forced to surgically cut off both of Ella’s legs to save her life.

The new mother was obviously heart-broken when she woke up thinking they will hand over her new born daughter, Winter Rose, to her.

In her interview with Daily Mail, Ella recalls the horror saying, “I expected my beautiful little baby girl to be passed to me. I had no idea I’d been in a coma.”

She further says “I knew the risks of blood loss, but I never expected to wake up three days later without my legs.

“Going into hospital to have a baby should have been the best moment of my life. Instead my world has been shattered.”

The hospital is held for a thorough investigation regarding the matter. Though the medical staff has offered an apology, their sheer negligence costed a healthy mother both her legs. Such a dreadful mistake!

Ella is now in a wheel-chair worried about what the future holds. She is leading her life with the help of prosthetic legs and has taken legal action against the NHS hospital in Torquay.

Family and friends are strongly supporting Ella in her battle against the hospital’s negligence and in accommodating with her changed life.

Such stories make us realize how a small mistake could lead to a lifetime disaster. “A thoughtless oversight has cost me so much. I will never stand on my own two feet again, and that makes me shudder.”

Our heart goes out to Ella and her family. May this mother find her strength and zeal for life back. And for the hospital authorities – be more vigilant people! You are dealing with lives here. A small mistake from your side could lead to a catastrophe.

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