Wondering What Your Child Will Look Like? Genetics Can Help

Moms and dads alike are ever curious about how their baby is going to look like once it’s born. Funny, though, some fathers are a little less patient, and they wish their wives can bring their babies much sooner than the due date!

你的孩子会是什么样子是纯粹的德termined by the genes. How interesting it is to see the world full of people with different physical attributes. So there is a reason one might not resemble their favourite star even if you wanted to look like him/her (unless that star happens to be your parent, of course)! Let genetics explain the magical phenomenon – of how things appear as they are, and by the laws of nature – as they should.

1. Strong And Weak Genes

All the information about one’s physical characteristics is encoded in genes. Genes can be either strong or weak. Strong genes are those that represent dominant characteristics. For example, dark hair, curly hair, dark skin, dark-coloured eyes, thick lips, big nose, wide chin, etc. are dominant characteristics. On the other hand, red or light coloured hair, blue, green or grey eyes, straight hair, light skin, left-handedness, etc. are weak characteristics that are determined by the weak genes. There are many more characteristics that exist. So one could expect innumerable probabilities of gene combination resulting in a number of expressions. But there is a set pattern that genetics follow thereby making us all unique and different from each other.

2. Color Of The Eyes

If we had to talk about the color of the eyes – brown, honey brown, jade, grey, green, blue, black – what eyes do you expect? If either of you parents have typical black eyes, and still you bear a child with blue eyes, don’t be in a shock. A recessive trait that was dormant for a long time through generations in the family might suddenly show up. Or a simple mutation could occur to make your child’s features very different than what’s typical for your family. Refer to the following chart to know more:


3. Dominant Over The Recessive

It’s interesting to see how the dominant characteristics are expressed while the recessive ones remain dormant for generations. So if you have black and curly hair, while your partner has blonde tresses, it’s very likely that your offspring will take after you. The following chart will explain to you better:


4. The Recessive Traits Could Appear Several Generations Later

If you had been boastful about the great facial features of a grandparent, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if you don’t don’t express those genes, but as a carrier you pass them on to your children and they express those genes. However, if it’s a great-great grandparent, and your kids express the traits, it will surprise many because they cannot recall what your ancestor looked like. But understanding genetics shouldn’t surprise you on this. Refer to the following chart for more clarity:


5. Genetic Prediction

It’s no longer difficult or impossible to predict how your baby might look after he grows up. Based on the DNA study, scientists can now reveal the physical attributes and facial features or the bone structure of a person depending on the ancestry or the place of origin.


6. Manipulating Genes

We have come a long way through genetics. With the help of genetics, we can now choose the desirable traits through gene manipulation. But the age old debate is how well we are putting it to use. Genetic manipulation is right in so far as it is beneficial to everybody, but if one chooses to manipulate one’s genes over something as insignificant such as a facial feature, then it does no favor to the humanity either.

Would you go ahead to get a genetic prediction of your baby? Share your views with us!

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