10 Ways To Wake Sleeping Children Up. Don't Miss Number 8!

There is no end to the challenges parents face at every stage of their child’s development. Just a few years ago, you searched for articles that suggested – how to put your little one to sleep, and now you are worried about how to wake them up on time! Well, if you are worried that your little sleeping beauty’s wake-up schedule is not what you charted for your little one, we have some tricks up our sleeve to help them wake up on time. Read on to know them all.

1. Understand Your Little One

Understand Your Little One

Image: Shutterstock

It’s impossible to generalize children since they are all unique individuals. Some kids prefer to sleep late, while others want to wake up early. Family members should get up at least an hour earlier than the child’s school-leaving time if the youngster has trouble waking up on their own.

2. Set A Routine

Every day, including weekends, you should follow a proper bedtime and wake-up time. Having a short morning checklist can help them get into a pattern and become more disciplined. In addition, this helps them wake up without any added measures.

3. Make Sure That Your Child Receives The Required Hours Of Sleep

Make Sure That Your Child Receives The Required Hours Of Sleep

Image: Shutterstock

Children should be able to get up on time without trouble if they are getting enough sleep. However, insufficient sleep can be caused by many things, including excessive noise, snoring family members, bright lights, staying up too late, changing the temperature of the room, the quality of the child’s bedtime routine, excessive physical activity before actual bedtime can make the kids light sleepers. Even consuming a diet high in sugar and caffeine near bedtime results in sleepless nights.

4. Increase The Volume

We are not being mean; we are just making sure your kid reaches school on time! Just by conducting loud home duties like cleaning, cooking, or doing the dishes, you may help your youngster get out of bed in the morning.

5. Make A Nice Start To The Day

Make A Nice Start To The Day

Image: Shutterstock

No one should wake and feel horrible just because it’s another day. As a parent, saying things like, “I love you!” or “I missed you” are great ways to start the day with a positive attitude. Tell them about those fantastic things they could accomplish that day. In addition, this would assist them in beginning the day on a more positive note as it makes them feel appreciated and cherished.

6. Make Use Of Your Pets

Employ your pet’s help to wake up the kids. It’s also enjoyable for the youngsters, who wake up with a smile on their face and a good attitude. Dogs, cats, and even birds can be entrusted with the duty to lick, call or cuddle the kids out of bed.

7. Use The Sun’s Rays

Use The Sun's Rays

Image: Shutterstock

Honestly, there is no better alarm clock than the Sun. Instead of tucking the windows with black-out curtains, try removing them and letting nature’s rays awaken the body naturally. Allowing more natural light into a room can aid in awakening sleepy toddlers who are immune to the sound of alarm clocks.

8. Take The Luxuries Away

This may sound harsh, but it works! Increasing the room’s temperature by turning off the air conditioner, taking their blanket away, or cranking up the thermostat is a foolproof method of waking them up. They’d have no choice but to get up. The more comfortable the room is, the more the body struggles to wake up.

9. Reward The Good Deeds

Reward The Good Deeds

Image: Shutterstock

Rewarding children does not always mean providing them with huge presents. The reward might be a small one like a sticker or a few minutes of technology once they’ve done what they were supposed to. You can make a chart for them where you give them a start sticker every day when they get ready on time.

10.等待Them To Understand The Repercussions

If all the above measures fail (yes, we have considered that too!), children must accept the penalties of over-sleeping. Parents frequently become angry when they cannot stop their children from experiencing any repercussions and resort to scolding and disciplining them. As a result, your home feels too tense. It is best to let the child experience the penalties of being late since it teaches them about actions and their consequences. Being late or skipping school might result in more homework, suspension from school, or losing out on enjoyable events, camps, or playdates. Therefore it’s important to wake up on time and be on time. Breakfast may have to be skipped in some cases. A few years down the road, most youngsters will begin to take these repercussions seriously and get up at the proper hour.

Honestly, you need to cut yourself some slack. Remember, they are children and need to be treated as such. It’s ok if they are not early risers, they will just need to keep everything ready, so they can brush their teeth, put on clothes and rush out. You can also help them by packing their breakfast so they can eat on their ride to school. The idea is to help each other and not be stressed about everything happening in and around your house. So, which of these tricks do you like the most? Let us know in the comments section!

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