Living With In-Laws - Is It A Boon Or A Bane?

In any case, love them or hate them, you just can’t ignore them! Especially if you live with them! Newlywed brides (and even new moms) often wonder which course of action would be the best one for them to take – living with the in-laws or not. They try to weigh in the pros and cons before making a decision and then pick a side to stick to.

However, many keep debating whether living with the in-laws will be a boon or bane for them. If you have the same confusion and can’t figure out a way out of this dilemma, allow us to help you.

The Type Of In-Laws

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Whether staying with your in-laws is a blessing or a curse depends on the type of in-laws you have. To simplify things, let’s divide in-laws (in general) into two broad categories:

  • The Understanding In-Laws
  • The Not So Understanding In-Laws

Needless to say, it’s always a boon to live with the former. But why is that exactly? Let’s delve a little deeper into that.

How In-Laws Can Be Great To Live With

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Chances are if your in-laws are educated, non-interfering, and understanding of your circumstances, living with them can be a big boon! Here’s how:

  • 如果你a working woman, you can count on them to understand your dreams, ambitions, and goals. They’ll be there to support you when you need them!
  • In-laws can be an amazing support system if you work and have kids! They can help you out with babysitting and even help with homework when your little ones grow up.
  • Sometimes you have to put work and personal life aside to attend to an important task at hand. In such cases, your in-laws will understand your commitment. So you can go ahead and do what needs your attention without worrying about who’ll take care of your kids.
  • What’s more, such in-laws are typically very supportive of you and your partner spending some time alone together. Having gone through the same thing when they were young, they realize the importance of such moments and respect your privacy without interfering.
  • Many a time, work and other commitments can keep you and your partner out late. When that happens, you can trust your in-laws to take care of your kids, so you don’t have to rush home and try to juggle too many things at once.
  • Although it’s a matter of personal preference, a great pair of in-laws can help you iron out the misunderstandings that arise between you and your partner.
  • Above all else, your in-laws can help you take care of your kids by shouldering certain responsibilities, so you don’t have to do it all on your own.

What About The Not So Understanding In-Laws?

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Well, we won’t go as far as to say that the not so understanding in-laws are a complete curse to live with, but your experience can be a mixed bag. There’s always some bad with the good and vice versa, right?

在这种情况下,我们会说距离使心脏grow fonder. However, that doesn’t mean that you should cut off all ties. That would be unfair and probably not entirely possible. Striking a balance between visits and away time can work best in such situations. That way, you get the best of both worlds without really sacrificing your peace of mind.

However, if you find yourself stuck with a pair of monster-in-laws, whom you just don’t get along with no matter how hard you try, it’ll be best to not share the same roof with them. If you decide to stay with in-laws when there’s too much friction between the two of you, relationships can sour and probably get to the point of irreversible damage. Hence, it’ll be wiser to stay separately so both of you can be on good terms.

Everyone’s circumstances and in-laws are different. At the end of the day, you know best whether living with your in-laws will be a boon or bane for you. All we can say is choose wisely and be happy and completely comfortable with whatever decision you make!

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