How To Maintain Good Sibling Relationship Between Your Children?

Do your children fight more often than you think they should? Never fighting with each other may not be a good sign because if your children are bonding, fights are unavoidable. However, there is an extent to which these fights should happen. As parents, we can do quite a lot of things to make sure that our children understand the value of each other and that of the sibling bond.

Mutual Respect

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Teach your kids how to respect each other regardless of their age, gender, character, and choices. Tell them that nobody deserves to be disrespected. Even if they think the other person made a mistake, encourage them to correct each other with affection. It’s vital that your children understand the importance of treating someone the same way they want to be treated by others.

Do Not Compare Your Children

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Never compare your children or tell one of them to learn from the other. While this can make your child feel less loved, it can also make him/her feel annoyed towards their sibling. Constant praising and being the “favored” one will make your other child feel that they are perfect and always right. This might inculcate narcissistic beliefs in them that will further affect the relationship between your children.

Respecting Differences

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Tell your kids that it is important to respect each other’s differences because these differences become the base of their individuality. Tell them it’s okay if both of them don’t like to believe in the same things. But it’s not okay to disrespect that difference or use force to get things done the way only one person wants.

Teach Them How To Disagree Respectfully

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As they realize that people are different, they will also start understanding that disagreements can occur. These disagreements may be over a piece of chocolate or a cartoon when they are growing up. But if you as a parent do not teach them how to disagree without causing harm, things might get worse. You don’t want your children to be like oil and fire when they are older as they’ll need each other the most in their adult life.

Stop The Abuse

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If you feel that one of your child is abusing the other verbally, physically, sexually, or emotionally, understand that things have gone too far. Even if serious damage has been caused, your right intervention can prevent further issues. Children who are victims of sibling abuse may have issues with other relationships that they foster in their adult life including friends, partners, or colleagues. Teach your child that it is not okay to behave in an abusive manner toward anyone no matter what the reason is. You shouldn’t encourage a situation in which your child often yells at another or tries to control their lives in an abusive manner.

Spending Time With Each Other

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Your children may love to spend time with their friends more as they grow up. However, you need to make sure that they get enough time with each other to bond so that they can create valuable memories together. Such memories are very important to feel connected when they grow up.

Have Fun As A Family

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Go out with your children often and help them realize the essence of your family. Sometimes the most important values in life can be taught in fun ways. Your family is a single unit where each individual has their own identity. Family bond and individuality are both equally important, and going on holidays, picnics, and movie nights are all part of strengthening the former.

Teach Them How Important Sibling Relationships Are

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It might not be something you would love doing, but you need to keep reminding your children how important they are for each other. Let them know that when they grow up they’re going to be each other’s biggest support, and ruining all that because of sibling rivalry is just not worth it.

In case your kids fight too much or have deeper bonding issues, you can seek the help of a counselor. Professional guidance will help your children understand things much better when you aren’t able to handle the situation.

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