9 Hilarious Times Pregnancy Wasn’t A Walk In The Park

Any woman who has been pregnant knows that those nine months are a rollercoaster ride. Your emotions, moods, body, taste buds, hair, and even your skin constantly keep changing. While it’s a time filled with loads of love, attention, and care, it’s also filled with moments of crankiness and cries for help. There can be times when you feel like giving up or screaming at someone, and perhaps you blame that on the pregnancy hormones. However, sometimes the situation outright sucks — but hey, that’s pregnancy for you.

你可以抱怨,婴儿床,将辊筒y make you feel worse, or you can laugh about how ridiculous the situation really is. We would choose the latter, and we advise you to do the same. Because your pregnancy isn’t going anywhere (at least for nine months), and maybe, just maybe, having a good sense of humor can help ease it out. So, we’ve curated a list of nine hilarious times pregnancy wasn’t a cakewalk that every mom-to-be will probably relate to:

  1. I’m Eating For Two”


When you feel like eating something “light” but that turns into a whole meal for two (maybe even three). You might have been a poor eater, but not anymore! And you can’t help but enjoy it because you know that no one’s going to judge you!

  1. Is It Really That Weird?
Social: 9 Hilarious Times Pregnancy Wasn’t A Walk In The Park

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You know that those pregnancy cravings are real when you want to mix ice cream, fries, banana, and scrambled eggs. Come on, moms! Don’t pretend like you don’t know what we’re talking about!

  1. My Brain Is Okay (Or Is It?)


Pregnancy brain is a real thing, and you know you’ve got it when you find yourself freezing your smartphone in the ice tray. At least, it’s a “cool” phone now. (Oops, sorry about that! It’s probably the pregnancy brain talking again!).

  1. 当小事情大成就


You know you’re pregnant if you feel like you deserve an award for every time you manage to make it to the bathroom right in time to pee! You deserve an applause if you could shave your legs without huffing and puffing, and no, we aren’t being sarcastic — we just know what it’s like to be pregnant!

  1. The Multi-Purpose Benefit


Your baby bump is more than just a pregnancy indicator! After it has become big enough, you realize how many uses it has, and no, you aren’t complaining anymore!

  1. Comfy Bump
Social: 9 Hilarious Times Pregnancy Wasn’t A Walk In The Park

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Your baby bump might be uncomfortable to you, but that’s not the case for everyone else in your life. If you’re a pet parent, you can probably relate.

  1. When You Want To Have A Girl’s Night Out


Is it really that bad to wish for a girl’s night out while being pregnant? Maybe you cannot sip on cocktails and dance around in heels as your friends do, but you can always hold your belly and drop some moves.

  1. When Your Requests Are A Little Too Risky
Social: 9 Hilarious Times Pregnancy Wasn’t A Walk In The Park

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You’ve got to agree that a stolen piece of cake tastes yummier than the one you buy at the pastry shop. And when you’re pregnant, that’s just the kind of thing you want to do. Since you can’t, you get someone else to do it for you. Evil? No, just pregnant!

  1. Too Many Fluctuations


If you’ve ever felt hungry, lazy, cranky, happy, and moody in less than 30 minutes, you’re not crazy — you’re just growing life inside you! But hey, it’s your time to let loose and live a little (even if that’s at the cost of annoying your partner). JK, or are we?

Every woman who is pregnant faces some form of feeling uncomfortable and uneasy. But it’s something that they’ve all got to live with unless you’re a seahorse (Thanks Ross, for the GK)! How many of these could you relate to? Comment below and let us know some moments that you experienced during pregnancy that were truly sucky, but you laughed it off and had fun with it!

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