9 Curious Yet Awkward Situations That Many Pregnant Women Struggle With

If you’re pregnant, you’re probably already aware of the symptoms of pregnancy. While there are some exciting symptoms like glowing skin and luscious hair that you might look forward to, some others are outright uncomfortable. Morning sickness or nausea, backache, headache, and swollen feet do not scream joy. They make you want to wish that you get over your pregnancy as soon as possible and have your little one in your arms. No matter how much you think you’re prepared for all the surprises that come with pregnancy, you will be left with a few uncomfortable situations. So without further ado, let’s look at nine curious and awkward situations that pregnant women struggle with:

1. Cry Baby, Cry


With hormones raging all through your body, it’s natural for you to feel emotional and moody very often. It’s not your fault that your body is gushing with hormones. So, don’t beat yourself up over it; just cry about it to feel better (JK).

2. Belly In, Belly Out

One of the first signs of pregnancy that you’re probably excited about is when your belly starts to show. You might catch yourself standing in front of the mirror and checking for your baby bump in the first trimester. But before you know it, it’s going to be so out that you’ll be wondering how to conceal it.

3. Get On With The Munchies


谁说munchies are just for the folks who like to live the high life? When you’re pregnant, you have all kinds of cravings and probably want to snack on some weird combinations of munchies. If Beyonce craved some ice cream with ketchup, you are no exception to weird cravings!

4. Pee Break!

9 Curious Yet Awkward Situations That Many Pregnant Women Struggle With

Image: Shutterstock

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wondering if your bladder has become smaller or lost its ability to control your pee. You will probably want to pee very often, which makes any road trip a challenge.

5. Hello Unsolicited Advice


Every aunty, grandmother, and neighbor will come at you with advice that you never asked for — be prepared for it! Try not to lose your cool when they do because they mostly mean well. But if they go overboard with it, you could always snap at them and then blame the pregnancy hormones *wink wink*.

6. Bendover? No!

9 Curious Yet Awkward Situations That Many Pregnant Women Struggle With

Image: Shutterstock

Get your mind out of the gutter, you naughty people! We are talking about things falling from your hands and to the ground. Your big baby bump will make it almost impossible for you to bend over and grab it (pun intended).

7. Sleep, Where You At?


享受你的睡眠尽可能。Because as the months go by, you probably will find it hard to get a goodnight’s sleep. It might be your body’s way of preparing you to stay up for your little one. Or you’re simply super uncomfortable because of your baby bump.

8. Goodbye High Heels

9 Curious Yet Awkward Situations That Many Pregnant Women Struggle With

Image: Shutterstock

Are you a fan of flaunting your high heels? Enjoy them while you can because once you’re pregnant, it seems like a dream far, far away! Your swollen ankles and tired feet make it almost impossible for you to strut around wearing those pointed pumps. Your sneakers become your new best friend!

9. The Pregnancy Brain


You’ve probably heard of the pregnancy brain before. It’s normal for you to become a little (or maybe a lot) absent-minded. Don’t worry; you are not becoming dumb or losing your mind, but the hormones might make you experience poor concentration and memory issues (1).

No matter how much you prepare yourself to welcome your little one into your life, there are some changes you are bound to struggle with. But with time, you’ll cherish these memories because pregnancy is truly a magical time, and there’s nothing like it. How many of these situations could you relate to? Comment below and let us know what weird/awkward pregnancy situations you had to deal with!

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