Woman Bleeding After Sex: Main Issues, Causes And More


Lovemaking is supposed to be one of the most pleasant experiences in life. But, if a woman spots blood on the sheets soon after making love, the same experience can make her supremely tensed. And, the concern grows even more if the woman is not menstruating and her dates are not anytime soon. So, what happens exactly?

Bleeding after lovemaking can be pretty alarming. But, you will be surprised to know that it is a fairly common phenomenon. It can affect around 9 percent of women who are menstruating and should not be a major cause of concern. But, it is equally important to know that some infection may cause vaginal bleeding too. And, though in very rare cases, cervical cancer may also be responsible for it (1).

Why Does This Bleeding Happen?

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两个最常见的原因的出血后瞧vemaking both revolve around the cervix. It is a tube-like, narrow passage that forms the end of the uterus (2).

Cervicitis, which is cervical inflammation, is one of the causes responsible for vaginal bleeding. On one hand, cervicitis is said to be ongoing and entirely harmless. But, on the other hand, it can also be caused due to a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. However, both these types of cervicitis can result in vaginal bleeding after lovemaking (3).

Cervical polyps are another common cause for bleeding after lovemaking. These are small growths (around one to two cm) that appear on the vaginal end of the cervix. Mostly, these growths are not cancerous. And, all you have to do is visit a medical professional. He/she will be able to easily remove them (4).

There are several other reasons why the bleeding might occur, which includes (5):

  • Normal bleeding in case you have just started with your periods or it is about to end
  • Friction during lovemaking
  • A vaginal infection
  • Genital sores that result from either herpes or some other condition
  • Cervical ectropion, which is a medical condition where the cervical opening is poked through by the cervix’s inner lining, causing it to grow on the vaginal end of the cervix
  • Cancer of vagina, cervix, or uterus

大多数的这些原因被认为是伤害less and don’t really require any treatment. But, sometimes, the vaginal bleeding might indicate something more severe. So, it is always better to consult your doctor once.

How Do You Determine If It Is Something More Serious?

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If you observe occasional minor bleeding here and there, it is more likely that everything is alright. But to be sure that it is nothing more serious, the best way is to consult a doctor and perhaps get a physical examination.

If the vaginal bleeding was either right before your menstruation or just a couple of days after it has ended, you can choose to hold off on booking that appointment right away. You can also choose to keep the appointment on hold if you have recently received a clean chit in a pelvic examination. But, in all the other cases, it is better to visit your doctor to rule out other possible reasons such as an infection (6).

Is There Any Way To Prevent The Bleeding After Lovemaking?

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Yes, you can easily work towards ruling out the most innocent causes of vaginal bleeding. For example, if friction during lovemaking is the reason, you can opt for lubrication.

And, if regular uterine bleeding during menstruation is the culprit, you can probably hold off lovemaking until a few more days after it ends. Removal of the cervical polyps or the treatment of a cervical infection can also help prevent post-lovemaking bleeding.

Now that you are more aware of post-lovemaking vaginal bleeding and why it happens, we hope we’ve put a lot of your concerns to rest. Otherwise, don’t hesitate before consulting your doctor; he/she is there to help you out. Good luck!

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