Here’s How Pregnancy Changes Your Relationship With Your Partner

怀孕带来很多变化的life. Right from the beginning, a woman has to watch what she eats and follow a healthy lifestyle. She is mindful of what she consumes, how much she sleeps, and avoids stress. Her schedule changes drastically, and so does the relationship with her partner. With morning sickness, swollen ankles, and backache, the dynamic between you and your partner is bound to change. Doctor’s appointments and prenatal classes become a regular part of your life, and you tend to forget about game nights and dates. So let’s look at how your relationship changes with your partner during pregnancy:

  • Increased Commitments
Increased Commitments

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You might be a couple who has a thriving career and a few hobbies and perhaps only get evenings and weekends together. But during pregnancy, your commitments increase. Your regular date nights will be switched with visits to the doctor, shopping for the baby, prenatal classes, and nesting. You might even be spending a lot more time together, but they are for specific pregnancy-related reasons rather than romantic quality time.

  • Financial Worries
Financial Worries

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Ideally, a couple who is planning to have a baby gets their finances in order. They plan and make necessary arrangements for the added expenses. But what you will learn is that money becomes a bigger deal. With pregnancy comes a lot of costs. Medicines, doctor’s visits, baby care, prenatal classes, and so many new expenses become a part of your life.

  • Emotional Relationships
Emotional Relationships

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女性的身体a lot of changes during pregnancy. With hormones raging, it is not always easy to keep your emotions in check. Therefore, there might be small things that tick you off and also make your partner walk on eggshells around you. But the thing to remember is that it’s the pregnancy hormones, and it’s normal for women to get emotional during this time. If men are aware of it, they could help their partners navigate their frustration, anger, and sadness. It does not have to put a strain on your relationship.

  • Less Time Between The Sheets
Less Time Between The Sheets

Image: Shutterstock

You may be a couple who kept the romance alive even after the honeymoon period of the relationship. But when you get pregnant, there is so much going on that you might find it challenging to set aside time to get intimate. Besides, with hormones, aches and pains, and morning sickness, pregnant women tend to get tired and might not be in the mood to get nasty between the sheets. It’s completely normal, and we recommend that you find a way to rekindle the romance in your relationship.

  • She Might Envy Her Partner
She Might Envy Her Partner

Image: Shutterstock

As much as a woman prepares for pregnancy, there are bound to be many sacrifices and changes that she was just not prepared for. So there is a possibility that she gets envious of her partner because their life does not change. While she is suffering from morning sickness, her partner wakes up and enjoys his cup of coffee like every other day. Such things tend to bother a pregnant woman, and she might show her frustration on her partner.

  • Social Changes
Social Changes

Image: Shutterstock

You and your partner might be used to organizing get-togethers and parties with your friends. You might have been social butterflies and probably the life of the parties. But during pregnancy, women might withdraw from social engagements and may wish to spend time alone. They might be irritable and not enjoy a lot of company. Therefore, the time you spend being social changes. A good idea is to interact with other couples who are also expecting so you don’t feel completely alone.

Pregnancy might be a scary time for many couples out there. You might prepare for your baby’s arrival by reading many pregnancy-related books and talking to people who have been down the same road, but you might not be ready for the change in your relationship dynamic. Comment below and let us know how your relationship with your partner changed during pregnancy.

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