Can Males Test Positive On Pregnancy Tests?

Pregnancy tests are usually for the ladies, right? Well, not quite. The First Response pregnancy test kit makers have come up with a device that could tell a man if the woman he had sex with is pregnant. It’s true! The Male-Response Pregnancy Test is designed to test a man’s urine and tell him whether the woman he slept with is pregnant.

Company spokeswoman Jeanne Curtis seems rather certain of the accuracy of her product as she says, “Normally, a pregnancy test can only tell a woman if she is pregnant within a day or two of a missed period. We know that’s not good enough for the guy. So we invented a new test for men. The man just has to urinate onto the stick first thing in the morning following sexual intercourse, and the test will let him know if the woman he slept with the previous night is, indeed, pregnant.”

But, how does the test work? Wasn’t it supposed to detect the presence of pregnancy hormone hCG? The science behind the male pregnancy test is quite simple, claim the technicians. When a man has sex with a female and impregnates her, he ends up collecting some of the hormones through the tip of the penis. The hormones enter the urethra and are flushed out when he urinates. The male response pregnancy test is designed to detect the presence of these. This process is a quicker way of knowing whether a woman is pregnant than the traditional home pregnancy test kit for women.

坏蛋博士tis says, “Women have to wait for some days before they can take a pregnancy test. But, with the Male-Response stick, you can find out if you are pregnant, much before your traditional pregnancy test can confirm a pregnancy”.

If you do not want to see the positive marks on the kit, we’d suggest you use contraceptives. What are your thoughts on male pregnancy tests? Tell us below.

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