Jenny Champion

女士,RD, CPT

Weight loss and Dietetics
New York University(MS, CLinical Nutrition)
11 years

珍妮是一个注册营养师,私人教练and mother of three who is passionate about teaching women how to stop yoyo dieting, have healthy pregnancies and get back in shape after childbirth. After suffering from eating disorders and weight problems herself, she’s helped over 1,000 women change their lives by eating more of the right foods and less of the rest while enjoying their lives and having healthy relationships with food. Jenny’s been published on many popular websites including Byrdie, Livestrong, Eatthis, SFGate, TheBump and more. She has over 11 years of expertise in this field and has been taking private nutrition counseling sessions for over a decade, and shares her best wellness tips on her blog. In her free time, she likes to bake healthy desserts, tend to her garden and go exploring with her young children.

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Articles Reviewed By Jenny Champion