Why Teaching Kids To Say "Thank You," "Have A Nice Day," And "Please" Can Help Them Grow Into Better Human Beings

“请”、“谢谢”和“对不起”是三米agical words we were taught as kids. When you think about it, it helped us distinguish ourselves as responsible and well-mannered people. As parents, we would want to impart the same values to our kids, so they grow up to be kind people. Instilling good manners in children has long-lasting benefits, and it needs to start at the earliest. Here in this article, we have discussed how teaching your kids to use these words can transform them into better human beings. Read on!

1. Positive Psychological Effects Of Showing Gratitude

Positive Psychological Effects Of Showing Gratitude

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Gratitude has been linked to improved health in several studies. One’s health, happiness, and overall well-being can benefit from cultivating gratitude (1). To put this hypothesis to the test, researchers in one study had participants write a few phrases on a specific topic once a week. Individuals in the first group documented daily positive experiences, whereas those in the second group documented everyday negative experiences. Compared to those who focused on the negative, individuals who wrote about appreciation at the end of the 10 weeks reported higher levels of optimism, life satisfaction, and physical activity. Make sure your kids know how to appreciate even the most minor efforts people make for them and express gratitude in ways they like.

2. It’s A Great Tool For Making And Keeping Friends

It's A Great Tool For Making And Keeping Friends

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Instilling in your children a sense of thankfulness and the ability to express it will serve them well as they grow up and work to maintain and grow meaningful relationships throughout their life. The long-term and short-term health benefits of freely expressing thankfulness and appreciation to the people around you were studied. This highlights the significance of gratitude in establishing and maintaining meaningful connections with others. Being generous and kind in your words will make you seem more approachable and welcoming to your peers. Once your kids realize this, they can make good friends (1).

3. Building A Strong Personality Begins With Instilling Early Lessons In Manners And Appreciation

Building A Strong Personality Begins With Instilling Early Lessons In Manners And Appreciation

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Children have a remarkable capacity to absorb information. Since they have never experienced anything like it, you must instruct them on the social graces that will help them grow into well-behaved adults. Child psychologists commended beginning manners instruction between the ages of two and seven. As they mature into what psychologists call the intuitive intelligence stage, kids gradually see the importance of fairness, kindness, and respect.

Methods For Fostering Gratitude In Children

Now that we’ve discussed how teaching kids appreciation and manners are essential for their development and well-being, let’s look at some tried-and-true strategies for encouraging these traits.

1. Take The Initiative And Set An Example:

Take The Initiative And Set An Example

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Children pay great attention to what and how their parents communicate. Showing genuine gratitude will teach your children a valuable lesson they can take into adulthood. It should not be just about receiving materialistic things. Even appreciating someone for making dinner, cleaning up, or being patient counts.

2. Express Your Thankfulness Freely:

Express Your Thankfulness Freely

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Your child will gain a firsthand understanding of the value of thankfulness if you take the time to explain the notion to them, and they will be more likely to show gratitude as a result. Make sure you show your gratitude freely and openly without much judgment on the situation, so your kids learn to follow in your footsteps on this.

3. Benefits Of Keeping A Thankfulness Notebook:

Benefits Of Keeping A Thankfulness Notebook

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Instruct your child to reflect on the positive aspects of their life by recording two to five incidents for which they are thankful each day and discussing why they feel this way. This will help them know that there are many good things about their day to be happy about, including someone saying something that makes you smile.

One of the most important elements of parenting is instilling good manners in your children. It might seem challenging to teach your toddler to have patience and say “thank you” when all they want is to snatch the ice cream right out of your hand. But the good thing is that children learn from copying what you do. So once they see their sibling being praised for saying magical words like ‘please,’ ‘sorry,’ and ‘thank you,’ they will soon add them to their vocabulary to win your affection. The more they are appreciated for good behavior, the better their chances are of learning good habits and manners. So, what is your favorite way of teaching your kids to use these words? Let us know in the comments section. Happy parenting!

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