7 Surprising Things Moms Can Do With Their Breast Milk

It’s a well-known fact that breast milk is the elixir of life for newborns. It’s the primary source of nutrition for a baby and has several benefits to the mother too. Breastfeeding helps mothers bond with their babies and also boosts their physical and emotional well-being. While breastfeeding, hormones like oxytocin and prolactin are released in the body, allowing mothers to relax and strengthen their bond with the baby. It helps increase the mother’s oxytocin levels, resulting in faster recovery after delivery (1).

Breast milk is excellent for infants because they contain components that build their immunity. It also includes substances that soothe babies naturally, making it the best liquid a baby can have (2). But did you know that there are several uses of breast milk other than feeding infants? Scroll below to find out seven surprising things that breast milk can be used for:

1. Wrinkles And Stretch Marks

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Skincare is an expensive affair. The products available in the market not only burn a hole in your pocket but are formulated with harmful chemicals and toxins that might do more damage to your skin than good. Frozen breast milk can be used directly on the skin to smooth out wrinkles and stretch marks, and over time, your skin will probably be good as new.

2. Soap Making

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Yes, you read that right. Breast milk can be used to make soap. You can add breast milk as an addition to your soap-making ingredients and use it for your baby or your entire family. It will nourish your skin and make it supple and soft.

3. Diaper Rash

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Your little one might be suffering from a diaper rash, making them irritable and cranky. Instead of opting for store-bought creams, you could use natural breast milk to soothe the inflammation. Just dab a little breast milk directly onto the rash to give them relief. You could also use a cotton pad or washcloth.

4. Eczema

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Another skin condition that breast milk can save you and your baby from is eczema. Breast milk acts as a great alternative to moisturizer and can even be used for adults with eczema. A little raw milk on eczema patches may reduce redness and give you relief from the itchiness.

5. Acne

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母乳含有一些营养物质帮助your baby grow. But it also includes components that may be beneficial to your skin. If you suffer from acne breakouts, dipping a cotton ball in some raw breast milk and applying it to your skin should do the trick.

6. Sore Nipples

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Every breastfeeding mom knows the struggle of sore and cracked nipples. You might have heard remedies that involve applying coconut oil, petroleum jelly, or moisturizer to ease the pain and discomfort. However, the easier and probably the best solution is to apply some breast milk to your nipples to cure the common concern.

7. Ear Infections

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If your baby is suffering from ear infections, you don’t have to look anywhere else for a solution. The antibiotics present in breast milk can serve as a great alternative to chemical treatments and may help ease ear infections with just a few drops. It’s gentle on your baby’s skin and acts as a great solution (3).

Breast milk is called the elixir of life for a reason, but who would have imagined that there are more uses to this magical liquid than just feeding a baby? We hope this article surprised you and brought you some excitement and wonder. Comment below and let us know what uses of breast milk were the most surprising to you!

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