Uncommon Girl Names With Beautiful Meanings

当你成为一个家长,你想给什么都没有but the best for your child. That is why if you see a couple obsessing over what to name their newly born, you should hold your judgments. It comes from a place of utmost love. Every parent wants their child to have a beautiful and meaningful name.

If you have a baby girl whom you are struggling to name, we have put together a list of the best and the most meaningful girl names. Find your baby’s name below, and good luck!

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1. Abigail

The name Abigail has Biblical origins. It means “father’s joy”, which is true for all daughters.

2. Ayana

Ayana in Arabic means “one who has big eyes”. Big eyes stand for the virtue of perception. Girls are known to be perceptive. It is also a beautiful sounding, unique name for girls.

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3. Aurora

There are many reasons why Aurora is a beautiful name. In Latin, it stands for “dawn”. In Roman mythology, Aurora was the Goddess of sunrise. If that doesn’t convince you, Aurora is also the name of the Disney princess, commonly known as the sleeping beauty.

4. Bella

In Italian, Bella means beautiful. Millennials sure would love the name.

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5. Coral

Coral stands for something precious and priceless, much like your baby.

6. Drishya

Drishya in Sanskrit or Hindi means “sight”, or “vision”. It is a beautiful and charismatic name for girls.

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7. Ella

Ella is derived by shortening the name Eleanor. Eleanor means “a beautiful fairy. Parents know that their daughter is one of that kind.

8. Farah

Farah is a relatively popular name. In Arabic, it stands for “happiness”. Since it only has two syllables, it is an easy, yet beautiful name suitable for girls.

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9. Giselle

Giselle is a name of German origin. It was popularized by the Disney movie Enchanted, in which the main character, the princess, was called Giselle and was played by Amy Adams.

10. Hridya

In Hindi, the name means “heart”. It is an uncommon yet wonderful name for girls.

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11. Irene

The name Irene has Greek origins. Irene is possibly derived from the Greek word for peace.

12. Jade

Name your baby girl after a beautiful, green, precious stone. No doubt that she is equally precious and beautiful.

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13. Kara

The name originates from Latin. In Italian, Kara means “beloved” and “dear”.

14. Lilly

Lilly is a favorite flower among little girls. Like the flower, the name represents innocence and purity.

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15. Mabel

Mabel is a Latin name. It can be translated to “loving” or “lovable”.

16. Nora

With multicultural origins, the name Nora is clearly meaningful and brilliant. In Latin, Nora means “honor”, whereas its Hebrew meaning is “light”.

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17. Orange

Orange is an English name for the fruit that most of us love. It also represents warmth and nourishment.

18. Prana

Prana is powerful and captivating as it sounds. It is the Sanskrit word for breath, “life force” or “the vital essence”.

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19. Quinn

Of Irish origin, Quinn is especially suitable for girls because it stands for intelligence and wisdom. We know that your baby girl is going to grow up to be smart and successful. Why not name her accordingly, then?

20. Sharon

Sharon is a Biblical name. Bible describes Sharon as a magnificent place where flowers and trees grew in abundance.

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21. Zoey

Zoey has Greek origins and means “life”. It has become quite popular nowadays, and we are not surprised. It sounds great, doesn’t it?

Finalizing a baby name could take surprisingly long. After all, you want the best for your baby. We hope that your quest for a nice name for your baby girl becomes a success. Did you come across an interesting name that you would love to name your girl on this list? Let us know!

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