7 toddler behavior problems and how to handle them

Screaming, shouting and making a fuss is common among toddlers. If you have a toddler at home, you know what we are talking about. You might have noticed that the tactics that you use to discipline them may not be working as you thought. But handling your toddler doesn’t have to feel like you’re in a vicious cycle. Here, we break it down for you 7 toddler behaviors and how you can handle them like a pro.

1. Screaming

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Some toddlers may use screaming as a way to get their parents’ attention. They may also scream if things aren’t going their way. They are still learning how to use their voice. So when they shout or scream, they may not be doing it to annoy you.

How To Handle:Screaming back at your toddler when he/she screams might send them the wrong message. They may think that it’s okay to scream and shout. Instead, talk to them in a soft voice and encourage them to do the same.

2. Throwing Temper Tantrums

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Young children go through a new range of emotions that they may have never experienced before. They may have trouble expressing themselves. This can lead them to throw temper tantrums when they are frustrated. They may cry out loud, throw stuff, or sit in the middle of the road refusing to move.

How To Handle:They may have the power to make your blood boil, but the best thing you can do is calm yourself. If you start shouting back or react in an aggressive way, things could only worsen from there. Try to talk to him/her in a soothing voice, hold their hand or hug them. Let them know that you love them.

3. Lying

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Your child is young. They are still learning to understand the difference between reality and fantasy. They may not be able to understand what truth and lie mean. Children have an active imagination at a young age. They may even make up imaginary creatures or friends in their mind. They also might deny painting on the wall or breaking the vase.

How To Handle:Of course, you don’t want to encourage your child to lie. Instead of punishing or accusing them, encourage them to tell the truth. Thank them when they admit to doing something. Also, don’t suffocate your child by having too many expectations. That may force them to lie so that they don’t disappoint you.

4. Whining

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Your child is basically dependent on you for everything at this age. They need your support when eating, drinking, and cleaning up after they poop. Children often resort to whining when they want to get their parents’ attention.

How To Handle:The next time they whine, bend down and make eye contact. Listen to what he/she is saying and acknowledge it.

5. Fear Of People

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When you take him/her to a crowded place he/she might become cranky. Your child is not used to having so many people around in a strange place. This might make them clingy or they might force you to leave the place.

How To Handle:You can hug your child. Let them know that they are not alone. This will help them to feel safe.

6. Interrupting

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孩子的记忆可能仍在发展中。所以they tend to say things before they forget. Your toddler may not have any idea that they are interrupting. As they grow, they will be able to understand what they are doing.

How To Handle:Make sure you can direct their attention to something else when they interrupt a lot. If you are meeting with your friends, give a toy or a game for your child to play with so that they can engage themselves.

7. Saying No To Everything

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If your toddler recently learned about the word “No,” its consequences can be difficult since now he/she has an alternative. They might have heard it from you, and now they use it every time they get a chance.

How To Handle:When your toddler says no, reacting using a high-pitched tone is not going to make the situation any better. Set an example to your child by keeping your cool. This way they can get your attention and channelize their energy as well.

Know that it’s always better to teach your child discipline and manners through care and understanding. It is a much better approach than being aggressive and dominant. Let us know if you have gone through similar situations with your child and what tactics you used to discipline them.

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