5 Surprising Things You Can Do While Being Pregnant That You Probably Didn’t Know

Being pregnant comes with a lot of responsibility. Your mood, diet, lifestyle, and sleep patterns go through drastic changes. You also experience morning sickness, swollen ankles, aches, and pains that make you irritable. Most women read up a lot about pregnancy to keep themselves informed about what they should and should not do. Because it is not a comfortable journey, there is a lot of information on what’s right for the baby and mom-to-be and what’s not. You might also have friends and family who have walked the journey telling you what you should not be doing. Because you have a lot of that in your life already, today we are here to tell you what you can do while pregnant that you probably didn’t know about.

1. You Don’t Have To Give Up Your Favorite Cup Of Joe

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All you caffeine lovers – we’ve got some excellent news for you! You might have heard people say that you need to cut off your caffeine intake entirely while pregnant, but we’ve got some good news. While you cannot have large amounts of coffee, small amounts are not harmful for you during your pregnancy. Anywhere between 150mg-300mg of caffeine a day is safe to consume during pregnancy (1).

2. You Can Indulge In Chocolate


If you think being able to drink coffee made you happy, this one will make you ecstatic! For those of you who love chocolate as much as your life, you can indulge in it while being pregnant. It’s common for pregnant women to have chocolate cravings, and we are here to tell you that you can give in to those cravings without feeling guilty. Because chocolate is good for you! Consuming around 30 g of chocolate daily might be beneficial to fetal growth and development (2).

3. You Don’t Have To Give Up Your Exercise Routine

Wait, we got that wrong. Of course, you cannot work out like you used to because that puts a strain on your body. But you don’t have to stop exercising altogether. Physical activity improves your general well being and prepares you for childbirth. If you were physically active before you got pregnant, it is recommended that you continue to be. However, there are specific pregnancy-related exercises that you could try out (3).你也可以加入一个产前类与你partner. However, please consult your doctor before starting any form of exercise.

4. Don’t Be Afraid To Get Nasty Between The Sheets


During pregnancy, your hormone levels might fluctuate like crazy. So there might be times when you will not be in the mood for some intimate time with your partner. But when you feel like you want to have some fun, do not be afraid to get busy under the sheets. However, be careful about the positions you try and do not overexert yourself. Always consult your medical professional before engaging in any form of physical activity.

5. Treat Yourself


Whether it is with a bowl of ice cream or a relaxing massage, do not hesitate to pamper yourself during pregnancy. All the stress and changes in your life might not be easy to handle, and you deserve to feel special and relaxed once in a while. Ask your partner to massage your legs and ankles when they feel heavy. You have a human growing inside you, so this is the least they can do for you! If you have a particular food craving, you don’t have to hold back or feel guilty and enjoy it. Once the baby comes, you’re going to have to make a lot of sacrifices. So pregnant mammas, this is the time for you to shine!

While being pregnant is no walk in the park, there are several myths about it. Read and keep yourself informed. Always consult your doctor before doing anything new during your pregnancy to ensure that you and your baby are safe and sound. Did our list surprise you? Comment below and let us know.

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