10 Tips For A Dad Feeding His Newborn Baby

Feeding a newborn is a stressful business that requires new moms to be patient as they figure out the best position and technique to help their infants feed. But nursing them throughout the day is tiresome, and everyone needs a break. So, dads, this is your time to lend them a helping hand. Allowing dads to feed their babies helps them create a deeper bond with them. Feeding is an experience that your baby and their father can share to grow closer. It gives dads the chance to get to know the needs and preferences of their little ones and connect with them. Here are some tips to help dad feed the newborn:

Follow A Schedule – When To Feed The Baby?

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The best way to introduce dad to the experience of feeding your baby is by having him be involved in the process from the beginning. Show him how he can support and help you and let him learn about feedings alongside you.

1. Showing Support Is A Great Start

Being a new mom can be demanding as they endure an endless amount of feedings routinely to ensure that their baby never goes hungry. The best way for dads to help during this period is to enquire what they can do to make moms more comfortable. Fetch them some water. Help them by bringing over burp cloths and pillows.

2. Learn How To Read The Signs

Although the most obvious sign of hunger is crying, there are some subtle cues such as mouthing, sucking on fingers, and nestling towards the chest that indicate that your baby is ready for their next feeding session.

3. Provide Dad With A Schedule

Most dads are unfamiliar with the feeding patterns that moms have established with their babies. Providing them with a schedule will enable them to be better prepared and ready during feeding time. Use a nursing app, program Alexa to announce when a feeding session is nearing, or simply make a chart and stick it on your refrigerator.

4. Dads Get The Night Shift

Moms feed the baby multiple times throughout the day without a chance to rest, leaving them worn out. This, coupled with nonexistent naps, makes them especially sleepy. Letting dads in on the night shift is the perfect solution to add more sleep to their schedule. Dads can help out by bottle-feeding the baby as moms pump or burping the baby after being nursed.

Get The Quantity Right – How Much To Feed The Baby?

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Making sure that your little one is eating enough is a continuous process. But figuring out if they are eating the right amount is even harder. However, there are some signs and guidelines that dads can follow to figure it out.

5. Practical Signs Of Physical Hunger

A baby is well-fed and cared for if their development is on track and they look healthy. If your baby is gaining weight, growing, producing a good amount of dirty diapers, and sleeping soundlessly, they are getting the nutrition they need. There is no need to worry if they are eating enough, as all signs point to a full and healthy baby.

6. It’s A Numbers Game

Aside from the obvious physical signs, it is important to note the numerical amount that your newborn must drink. A newborn must drink around 45-90 milliliters of milk every two to three hours — the amount consumed increases gradually as the baby grows. Do your research on how much your baby must consume according to how old they are.

7. Master Making The Formula

Preparing the right formula is a science that takes time and practice. Getting the correct ratio is important to ensure that your baby gets all the necessary nutrients. If you mix the formula incorrectly by either watering it down too much or making it too concentrated, it can cause an electrolyte balance, which can lead to discomfort for the baby.

Get The Technique Down – How Do You Bottle-feed A Newborn?

Image: Shutterstock

Successfully bottle-feeding a newborn takes skill. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure that the baby takes to their dad bottle-feeding them.

8. Find The Right Bottle

买几种类型的瓶不同的乳头shapes and sizes to ensure that there is at least one that your baby takes to naturally. This will help ease dads into feeding their newborns with great success. Choosing slow-flow nipples can also help as it mimics natural breastfeeding and replicates the baby’s nursing experience.

9. Burp Your Baby

All little ones must be burped after they are done feeding. This requires skill and technique. Burping must be done as bottle feeding causes more air intake than your baby is accustomed to. Therefore, they must be burped so that they don’t become gassy due to regular bottle feeds. Burping the baby once or twice during the feed is an important step.

10. Store The Milk Well

  • Leftover Milk Must Be Discarded

Leftover breast-milk lasts up to 2 hours for your baby’s consumption. Parents are encouraged to dump leftover formula, as bacteria can grow from the baby’s saliva.

  • Freeze Breastmilk To Ensure The Best Quality

There are breast milk-specific freezer bags that you can store freshly expressed breastmilk in. Freezing this milk can extend its shelf life up to 6 or 12 months from the date of expression if stored properly.

Feeding a newborn can be overwhelming and stressful as it entails numerous nuanced and detailed steps. However, try to do your best with the knowledge that it will get easier as the days go by.

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