5 Signs You Have Been Mom Than Wife

When did you change as a wife? Or did you not? Motherhood naturally makes a woman more inclined towards her children. But does she stop being a mom with that? Most men do think so, while women believe that nothing has changed for them. But here’s how women end up being more of a mom than a wife:

1. You spend more time with your children

Before you had your children, you had all the time for your husband. After your children enter the world, they become your focal point. From their diaper changing and sleepless nights nursing to getting their homework done when they begin school, they take away most of your time. Your husband might pin up some hopes for the weekend, but they too pass off like any other day when your children become your primary concerns.

2. You no longer cook what your husband likes

You could cook multiple things for your children. When your husband meekly asks you to make something he hadn’t eaten in a while, you would be too tired cooking already and will be quick to retort that you are not the head chef and your house is not a hotel. You might secretly regret having said so, but you can no longer muster yourself back to go into the kitchen again.

3. You are no longer fun to be with

Does your husband walk into a house only to find his wife grumpy, exhausted, worn out, sweaty, and angry? Do you look disheveled like everything came down on top of you at one time? The thing is you could have worse days, but days like these are increasingly a common sight now. A multitasking mother can be far from being witty or jovial. Forget about romance, there is no room for it.

4. You don’t care about looking good

When was the last time you were all dressed up? With kids around, you can barely manage the chic skirts. Don’t mention an evening gown. You have almost forgotten what wearing makeup is like. Perfumes stay unused in the closet. You can only rough it up now. Baggies? Yes. It’s much comfier to wear stuff that is outdated but gives you the alacrity when you are juggling between things almost flying from one room to the other, arbitrating children’s fight, taking your dog for a walk with a poop bag, water the plants, and bake a pie in the evening. Looking good takes the last seat amidst all this. Moreover, you no longer care how you look, now that you have children, and a husband, and no time to catch anyone else’s attention!

5. You behave like a mother, a mother, and a mother

你是一个母亲不仅给你的孩子,但是your pet dog, and worse to your husband too. Well, that is how you dish out the responsibilities. You are somebody who is shouldering the entire household while your husband provides the financial support. Plus your husband becomes like a grown up child who must make his own bed, who must take care of his belongings and wallet – you can’t be bothered about finding where his socks or necktie are. You have much smaller people at home to be taken care of much more meticulously. So while you expect your husband to fend for himself, he will be even more aghast when you can only think of him in an event when you need his help – taking a child to the doctor or fetching groceries, for instance.

Men will be men, but women become mothers. There is a wide divide that should be handled with care.

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