7 Scary Things Parents Should Not Do With A Newborn

Being a new parent can be a time for anxiety. It’s overwhelming to bring a baby home because nobody is fully prepared for the surprises that come with it. If it’s your first child, it could be doubly nerve-wracking for you. Not everything you do would be correct, and there’s always room for mistakes. But with a bit of preparation, you can make good strides in the right direction and avoid accidents.

If you’ve just had a baby, your newborn will have brought you so much joy (and fear), you could be on an emotional overdrive. It’s inevitable. To help you, we’ve curated a list of parents’ most common newborn mistakes and how you can avoid them:

1. Not Keeping The Car Seat Ready

Most hospitals require you to take your baby home in an appropriate car seat. Hence, it’s crucial to install it before the baby arrives. Seek the help of a safety technician to advise you on child passenger safety. Serious mistakes in installing car seats can increase the risk of injury to the child in the event of an accident. Install the seat at the right angle and recline their body so that the baby can breathe normally. Keep the seat comfortable using tightly rolled blankets on both sides of the baby, as suggested by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (1), (2).

2. Putting The Baby To Sleep On The Stomach

Putting The Baby To Sleep On The Stomach

Image: IStock

In a 2015 study, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that around 3500 babies die every year in the US due to sleep-related causes (3).The AAP insists that every baby sleeps on their back, in a crib, without toys, pillows, bumpers, or other extra stuff. This should help reduce the risk of sleep-related deaths to a great extent (4), (5).

3. Failing To Feed On Demand

Failing To Feed On Demand

Image: Shutterstock

New parents have a lot going on. Some of them make the mistake of letting the baby remain asleep for a long time between feedings. In the first few weeks, babies need to be fed more often, possibly every two to three hours, even if they do not demand it. Once they’ve reached the desired weight and the pediatrician gives you a nod, it’s okay to feed them every three-five hours without waking them up. However, they need to be woken up for feedings in the first few weeks (6).

4. Not Burping The Baby Well

Not Burping The Baby Well

Image: IStock

Another mistake parents make with a newborn is not properly burping them. It could be because they aren’t aware of the correct way of doing so. Parents often tend to put the baby down quickly after feeding them because they fear holding the baby incorrectly. Failing to burp them can lead to spitting and gagging, losing some milk, waking up frequently, or screaming in pain. Place the baby high on your chest with their chin resting on your shoulder and face turned to the side. Pat and rub their back slowly until they burp (7).

5. Wrongly Mixing Formula And Water


Image: IStock

This is perhaps the most common mistake parents make with their newborns. It is especially true if they stick to formula over breast milk. Parents could either make it too concentrated or diluted. If the latter happens more often, the baby won’t get enough nutrition, and that’s when the Failure To Thrive (FTT) occurs (8).你想确保你读mi的公式xing instructions well. Also, check-in with the pediatrician to ensure they are gaining weight at the right pace (9).

6. Baby’s Room Is Either Too Hot Or Too Cold

Baby's Room Is Either Too Hot Or Too Cold

Image: Shutterstock

It’s essential to monitor your baby’s room temperature while sleeping. The best way to do so is with a thermostat. This device can help you track temperature and humidity easily. Experts usually recommend keeping the home at between 68 to 72F. You should maintain an ideal room temperature depending on the seasons. Plus, use bedding and baby clothes that best help you ensure the safest room temperature for your baby (10).

7. Exposing Your Baby To Crowds

Exposing Your Baby To Crowds

Image: IStock

It is normal to find parents taking their newborn to large family gatherings or crowded spaces where everyone wants to touch and gush over their tiny miracle. This is especially scary during the cold and flu season. The first two months of your newborn are a delicate time. You need to protect them from germs and people who are potentially sick. Your baby’s immune system is yet to develop and fight off infections independently (11).If you do wish to take them out, experts encourage daily walks in less crowded spaces or sit in your backyard to help them breathe fresh air.

It’s good to practice some care while handling your baby in the first few months of their life. Your little one is still growing and developing to be on their own in the initial months. For now, they are still dependent on you for your care and support. What other mistakes do parents make with a newborn? Do you have more to add to this list? Do let us know in the comments below!

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