7 School Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

There are two kinds of kids – one, super excited to go to school and another, dreads getting ready for school. No matter which type of kid you have, it’s time we accept that no parent ever fantasizes getting up early to get their kids ready for school five days a week. It is always more work when your kids start going to school, and once you are done making their breakfast, packing their lunch, dressing them up, tidying their dress, dropping them off to school, the hour’s tick by, and then you spend hours helping them with their homework. However, the school doesn’t have to sound like a punishment for the parents and kids. Here in this article, we have discussed some hacks to make going to school more fun. Read on to know them all!

1. Talk About The Day At School

Talk About The Day At School

Image: Shutterstock

Just like we hate getting up and going to work, your kids might hate going to school too. Talk to your kids about school and whether they like or dislike it, to make it easier for them. It might be a classmate or a teacher they want to talk about, or perhaps they are overthinking it, and that makes it harder for them. All this can be solved by having a good conversation with your little one about the day ahead.

2. Check The School Calendar

Check The School Calendar

Image: Shutterstock

As a parent, your life will revolve around your kids, and it’s okay. So before you look at your own schedule, check your kid’s school calendar to ensure you plan your vacations and trips at the right time. Also, keep checking the kid’s exam timetable as that is when you have to ensure the house remains quiet and give your child enough time to study at peace.

3. Keep Everything Ready The Evening Before

保持Everything Ready The Evening Before

Image: Shutterstock

If you want to stay stress-free on the day of school, you must pack ahead the day before. The shoe needs to be polished, the socks need to be dried and kept, the uniform needs to be ironed, and the bag needs to be packed with the books for the next day. This way, even if the kids are late risers, they won’t miss the school bus!

4. Don’t Plan Everything

Dont Plan Everything

Image: Shutterstock

Plans don’t always work out the way you want them to, especially when you have kids. So even if you plan to go to the zoo on weekends, you will find that after a whole week of school, the children appreciate playing on the porch more. So it’s best you don’t chart a plan beforehand and just let it be on the spot.

5. Don’t Fiddle With Bedtime

Dont Fiddle With Bedtime

Image: Shutterstock

The secret to making sure everything runs smoothly is to keep the kid’s bedtime fixed. A sleep-deprived kid is a cranky kid, which is not suitable for anyone in the house. So no matter what the occasion is, and if they have school the next day, they must follow the same time to pack up and go to bed. Also, to make sure going to bed doesn’t feel like a chore, all the kids should go to bed simultaneously. Also, limit their screen time an hour before bed to ensure sound sleep.

6. Think Before You Volunteer

Think Before You Volunteer

Image: Shutterstock

Having a kid makes it very difficult for you to commit to other work like volunteering. Even if you had participated actively before the kids were there, now it is different, and your kids deserve your full attention. So even if it is difficult to say no, you should check your timetable and decide if you want to commit to any extracurricular activities.

7. Keep Limited Expectations

Keep Limited Expectations

Image: Shutterstock

作为父母,很难了解你child feels, but going back to school is definitely not a piece of cake. It can fill your child with anxiety to picture what it would feel like to walk into a room full of unknown kids. You should be patient with your kid as they will probably have a meltdown with the mention of the first day of school. If your child is an introvert, the thought of a crowded room will make them catatonic. So don’t expect your child to be thrilled about it, and keep yourself prepared for a total power bawl when you finally drop them off at school.

We did not realize as kids that our parents dreaded sending us to school as much as we did. To be honest, no one fancies getting up early in the morning to get dressed and study for long hours. But instead of following the monotonous routine, you can make going to school exciting and fun for your kids. If they have early school, ensure they sleep early, so they complete their sleep cycle and wake up feeling fresh. So, do you have something you would like to add to our list? Let us know in the comments section!

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