5 Things You Should Know Before Choosing The Right Oil For Your Baby’s Massage


Baby massage is an age-old tradition that has been followed in our society whenever a baby is born. Mothers are always emphasized by elders on the importance of giving their newborn a good massage, at least for the first 40 days since birth. And the practice holds a lot of value in it indeed. As gynecologists themselves have backed the benefits of massaging infants, we now know that it is way more than just a mere tradition. Massaging the baby helps strengthen their bones and joints that tend to be fragile right after birth. It also helps stimulate blood circulation, which in turn tones the muscles and improves overall health. Massage also helps relax the baby and relieve any stress, making them less cranky. In premature infants, massage is said to promote growth (1). But most importantly, the touch and skin-to-skin contact during the process helps develop the relationship between the mother and child, thereby strengthening their bond.

Although most of us are quite aware of the benefits of massaging, choosing the perfect oil for your baby can get quite tricky. As a baby’s skin is much more delicate and sensitive, you might want to be extra cautious when it comes to the oil you choose. Massaging with the right oil can make a lot of difference in your baby’s health. However, the wrong one can be equally harmful. Below, we have listed down 5 factors that you may want to consider before getting a massage oil for your little one.

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1. Formulation

Baby skin is quite different from that of an adult in terms of sensitivity and reactivity. Hence most of the hair and body oils that adults use may not be suitable or even safe for infants as it can lead to rashes and allergies. Hence it is imperative to go for an oil that is specially formulated and tested to suit a newborn’s skin.

2. Ingredients

While looking for a massage oil it is always advised to go through the ingredients that go into the formula. Some oils that are available in the market are formulated using unnecessary chemicals that may not be good for an infant’s skin. The same holds true for natural ingredients as well as not everything labeled as ‘natural’ is safe on the skin. Also, some oils get easily absorbed into the skin. Hence it is crucial to know the ingredients that are present in the massage oil.

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3. Oil Type

Massage oils available in the market can be broadly classified into three categories: natural massage oils, mineral oil-based massage oils, and combination ayurvedic massage oils. While dermatologically tested mineral oils are safe on the skin, they still have a tendency to clog pores for some people. Natural massage oils include oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, sesame seed oil, etc., that may help in stimulating the senses. Massage oils that contain a combination of various oils and ayurvedic herbs are also popular in our country. The ingredients that are mostly used include urad, karpura, shankhpushpi, and ratanjyot that are known to have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. They are also known to soothe and moisturize the skin.

4. Baby’s Skin Type

Not all babies have the same skin type. Some infants are born with extremely dry skin, while others may have normal to combination skin. Some oils help in adding hydration and moisture to extremely dry skin, while others help in maintaining the skin barrier by locking in the skin’s moisture. So it is necessary to go for a massage oil depending on what the skin needs.

5. Expiry Date

People usually tend to ignore the expiry details, especially when it comes to topical application products such as massage oils. However, remember that most oils get absorbed into the baby’s skin. Also, a baby’s skin is more delicate than an adult’s, which increases their chances of getting allergies and rashes. So make sure to check the expiration date of the product you buy.

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We hope that our list of factors would help you choose the right massage oil for your baby. We have also curated a list of tips that you may want to keep in mind while massaging your newborn.

  • Always massage your baby when they are in a good mood. Don’t force them into it if they don’t want to.
  • Make sure that you are using the right techniques while massaging your little one. Always use gentle strokes and avoid using excessive force.
  • It is best to give them a massage before their bath time or bedtime.
  • Avoid getting oil into the eyes, ears, and nose area as that may lead to infections.
  • Be careful while holding your baby after a massage as they tend to become slippery. It is best to wrap them in a thick towel.
  • Avoid massaging the baby post-vaccination or when they are not feeling well.

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