Could 2021 Be The Year We Start Normalizing Breastfeeding?

We’re bang in the middle of World Breastfeeding Week, and we have close to 120 countries across the globe coming together in celebration of one of the healthiest gifts a mother can give her newborn child. According to the World Health Organization, breastfeeding is one of the first steps to survival, ensuring your newborn child is healthy and cared for. Breast milk is hands down one of the most nutritious foods a mother can give her child, and it is recommended that infants, at least for the first six months of life, should depend entirely on breastmilk, unless, of course, the mother has complications. Further, the very act of breastfeeding can strengthen and nurture the bond that a mother shares with her newborn baby (1).

Despite all the goodness that comes from a mother’s milk, there is so much stigma attached to the simple and pure act of a mother feeding her child. Lactating mothers, no matter in which part of the world they come from, are taught to look for a secluded space to feed their crying babies simply because the exposure of their breasts is considered “inappropriate” and “uncomfortable” to witness.

But, the tides seem to be changing this year. With growing awareness about breastfeeding, small but significant changes are coming our way, and we’re hopeful that these moves pave the way for a world where breastfeeding in public is not frowned upon!

Athletes Or Nursing Mother? Choose Both!

Image: Shutterstock

For a bunch of incredibly talented women, being a part of the Tokyo Olympics was a dream come true. However, it came at a price — they could follow their dreams and be a part of history, but they would have to compromise on their nursing children while at it. Nursing mothers were not allowed to bring their babies with them, so they had to make a choice between being an athlete or feeding their children. This year, however, we’re beaming because the Tokyo Olympics Organizing Committee said in a statement that infants could accompany their mothers to the games, and a caretaker can join them as well!

US marathon runner Aliphine Tuliamuk, Canadian basketball player Kim Gaucher, and US soccer player Alex Morgan are a few nursing mothers enjoying this new development, and we can’t be more happy and proud for them!

Walking The Red Carpet With A Message!


Indian Influencer Diipa Buller-Khosla showed up at the red carpet at Cannes in style and with a message that rang loud and clear — “breastfeeding is normal!”.

Diipa Buller-Khosla, who just embraced motherhood, wore a gown with breast pumps fixed on her attire, in an attempt to shun scrutiny and judgment that is so heavily attached to the act of breastfeeding. She went on to put an Instagram post with pictures of herself in this gown and spoke about how breastfeeding mothers are subjected to so much judgment and criticism. She highlighted the fact that working mothers too are judged when they use breast pumps to store precious milk for their babies, and this shouldn’t be the case; mothers should have the freedom to feed their babies when they want, and how they want, without being judged for it.

Celebrities Speak Up!


我们爱的时候我们最喜爱的名人说出来for causes that need to be talked about. Recently, Bollywood actress and mother Dia Mirza spoke about how there is a lack of safe spaces for lactating mothers who wish to breastfeed their children, particularly among economically and socially backward communities. She highlighted the fact that breast milk is a necessity, particularly in the first six months of a baby’s life. Babies who are provided with breast milk at this crucial time have a higher likelihood of survival by close to six to ten times, as opposed to babies who are deprived of breast milk.

The actress went on to speak about how India is on the list of countries where infant mortality rate and malnutrition are at a peak, and bringing awareness to breastfeeding could help with the alarming numbers.


Lisa Haydon is another celebrity momma who contributed to normalizing breastfeeding. She spoke about how breastfeeding can play an essential role in getting back on track to health for mothers who’ve endured childbirth. She said that breastfeeding could be challenging, but it is one of the most beautiful ways to connect with your little one. She also spoke about the plethora of benefits it can have for infants as well.

There is no denying that normalizing breastfeeding is long due, and this year, we’re witnessing changes that lean in this direction! From celebrities who voice their opinions to ordinary people fearlessly and unapologetically standing up for this natural act, we have come a long way, although there’s still more to go! What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments below!

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