New Moms Describe What Labor Is Really Like

During pregnancy, soon-to-be moms often wonder what their labor is going to be like. And, concerns related to how the pain is going to be and whether or not the experience will match up to the expectations might often cross her mind. Can you relate to this?

Given the amount of curiosity around it, we asked several new moms about their labor experiences. Reading about that their personal experiences might help you have a better understanding of how things might be during the labor. And, we, atMomJunction, would love to help you out in whatever way we can. So, here we go:

How Does It Really Feel Like?

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“Being a first-time mom, I initially faced difficulty understanding if what I was experiencing was labor pain or it was just another Braxton Hicks contractions. What made it tougher was that my symptoms didn’t fall in either category. My cramping was mostly under my belly region; it wasn’t in the back as the books had described. So, when I reached the hospital to just double-check, I was sure that they were going to send me back. I was, in fact, quite surprised when they told me that I was already in labor.” – Radhika

“Everyone told me that the feeling would be very similar to that of a horrible menstrual cramp. But, it felt much more intense and the pain was radiating all through my lower back area. And, with every contraction, my lower back pain just increased even more, and more. The pain would reach a point where it almost became unbearable and then subside on its own gradually. So, for me, it hurt even more than I had imagined it to.” – Shruti

Not That Bad!

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“My labor was just great. It was in my 36th week itself that I had to rush to the hospital where my doctor announced that I was already five centimeters dilated. I was given an epidural immediately and rushed to the delivery room. Four hours later, I had given birth to a lovely, little boy, and that too quite painlessly.” – Sadhna

“Personally, I felt that the labor was not as scary as I had made it out to be. Despite the fact that I was in labor for nearly 16 hours, I felt that the time simply flew by. And, of course, it seemed much easier as soon as the epidural kicked in.” – Rubina

“Of course, the labor does bring its own share of pain. But, it is not as bad as how it is shown in the TV series and movies. The pain was quite similar to that of a menstrual cramp. Perhaps, just a little bit more but it was surely not excruciating. And, once I got to hold my little one, all pain just vanished away.” – Maya

All The Pain Worth It

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“I think the worst of all was pushing. I felt like it was burning down there, with all the stretching and pushing. I thought that there is no way that I would be able to push out a baby; it will just not fit. But, once everything was done and I got to hold my precious, little angel, every bit of the pain seemed worth it.” – Ria

“For me, the labor pain came in waves. So, when it was hurting, I found it even hard to breathe. Then, it would mellow down on its own, only to come back again. But, having said that, the second I looked at my tiny bundle of joy, I knew I would easily do everything all over again. The feeling is just surreal!” – Naina

If your due date is around the corner, we hope that you now have a better understanding of how it is going to be. However, prepare to still be surprised as the entire labor experience can vary from one woman to another. Good luck, ladies!

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