Babycare During Covid – The Himalayan Task For Mothers!

Looking after a baby is an uphill battle for parents! And the pandemic has wrapped us up in a cloak of anxiety. Making efforts in taking care of a baby is one thing but fretting about the danger that lies out there is extremely overwhelming — especially if you are a working mother.

If you are just as worried about your baby’s safety and want to know how you can get through this without the added stress, here’s a routine you can follow to ensure that your baby stays healthy and free from any virus.

Keep The Outdoor Time To A Minimum

Keep The Outdoor Time To A Minimum 

Image: Shutterstock

We’ve spent months cooped up inside our homes back in 2020. Considering that this is just the second wave of covid, it’s not safe to step out of home unless there’s a dire need. If your office isn’t giving you work from home, you need to make sure that you don’t become a carrier of the virus. Be extra cautious, distance yourself at the workplace, and sanitize your hands frequently while you are at it.

和once you’re back home, don’t go to hold your baby right away. Keep your things aside in one place — away from your little one, freshen up, and then give your baby snuggles.

Don’t leave the dirty laundry lying around either; toss it into the washing machine to be on the safer side.

Quarantine Yourself After A Work Trip

Quarantine Yourself After A Work Trip

Image: Shutterstock

Now, we get it. Not everyone has desk jobs or work from home. If your work doesn’t allow you to stay home and you keep traveling for the same, then isolate yourself soon as you are back.

It’s not an easy task to look away when you have your bundle of joy looking right at you, waiting for the cuddles which were long overdue. But you need to prioritize your baby’s health and safety. Quarantine yourself for a few days until you’re sure you don’t have any symptoms. And if you have an itchy throat, dry cough, or any other symptoms that scream COVID-19, then consult a healthcare provider for better care.

Don’t get too worked up, though! Since most cities/ countries don’t allow anyone to travel before ensuring that the covid test is negative, this is just going to be a precautionary measure.

Avoid Having A Gathering

Avoid Having A Gathering 

Image: Shutterstock

现在也就不足为奇了,每个人都喜欢婴儿d little kids. Be it grandparents, siblings, or the friendly neighbor; you will have people taking turns to visit your munchkin. And while we know it’s going to be difficult, you can’t let people come in contact with your children until you know of their whereabouts.

Well, we know it’s a virus that’s mutating. So there’s no one way of procuring it. You can learn the art of saying no, and there’s nothing wrong with that. For those relatives, you can’t keep away from your kid, establish ground rules about sanitization.

Disinfect The House Frequently

Disinfect The House Frequently 

Image: Shutterstock

You may be doing this already! But know that when you come back home, you bring back germs. So though you clean up and sanitize your hands, you may tend to miss out on disinfecting other surfaces. Sanitize everything you touched, like doorknobs, faucets, and phone screens. When your personal space is cleaner and more hygienic, you will feel at ease and safe.

While baby care needs more effort and a lot of patience these days, don’t let the stress of it all get to you! Be more precautious and take it one day at a time. We’ll come out of this pandemic stronger than ever.

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