Hilarious Pregnancy Problems Through Pictures

What happens when pregnancy problems are best captured in pictures?

Well, this is what Danielle Guenther did through her pictures. The photographer from New Jersey clicked photos that take hilarious potshots at pregnancy. Her parenting series called theBest Case Scenariois on her blog which perfectly depict how it is for pregnant women to raise a human while already has other children growing up. Be it a grocery store, or your house, a peek into these pictures will tell how your children can wreak havoc while you are pregnant. You are sure to identify yourself with them.

Her new series called “What the BUMP?!” shows a more amplified real life situations. These photos perfectly sum up the dailly struggles that women experience through pregnancy. It’s almost like being a superwoman if a woman is pregnant, raising other children at home already and then carrying on with her everyday life, believes Danielle.

For her series you canvisit her web siteorfollow her on Facebookto see more of her great works.

Here are some pics from What he BUMP:

And pics from the Best Case Scenario:

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