A Totally Laid Back Guide To Preparing Your Baby’s Feeding Bottle

If you’re a new parent who has been struggling with taking care of a newborn and are looking for a solution, we are here to say that there is none. The first few months after the birth of a baby is havoc, and there’s no escape from it. No matter how much you prepare yourself for your baby’s arrival, you will probably feel overwhelmed when the time comes. You will be exhausted and walk around like a zombie who hasn’t slept in ages. Babies don’t come with manuals, and it seems simple to look after one, but only if you’ve had any experience with a newborn, you’d know that’s not true.

You have to figure out their sleeping schedules, diaper changing schedules, and feeding cycles. When it comes to feeding cycles, you can choose to breastfeed your baby or give them formula. If you’ve decided to bottle feed your baby, it might be the most laid-back time you’ll have with your baby. Scroll below to find out things you should know if you’re bottle-feeding your baby.

How Should You Get Ready To Feed?

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Talk to your doctor about the formula you’ve chosen for your baby. Discuss the need to use cooled boiled water to mix with the baby formula and clarify if you need to boil clean utensils in water before use. If your doctor suggests that you need to sterilize or boil the utensils and use boiling water to mix with the formula, ensure you learn to do it the right way.

Ideally, you should bring the water to a rolling boil for about a minute in a clean pan. Then, immediately let the water cool to room temperature before mixing in the formula. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry them well before preparing the formula.

Steps To Make Your Baby’s Bottle

You might be nervous about making your baby’s bottle for the first time. However, once you’ve understood the procedure, it becomes second nature to you. Here are five steps that you could follow while preparing your baby’s bottle:

Step 1: Wash Your Hands

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As mentioned before, don’t forget to wash your hands before preparing the formula. Use antibacterial soap and clean water to wash your hands. Apply the soap and wash them for at least 20 seconds before rinsing your hands in clean water. Dry them thoroughly. Proper hygiene is a must when preparing anything for your baby.

Step 2: Follow The Label For Instructions

Label For Instructions 

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公司给你不同的ins不同公式tructions. It’s best to follow the instructions on the label while preparing your baby’s formula mix. Most of the time, you have to put the water in the bottle and then mix the formula for the best results. If you’re unsure of the procedure, consult your baby’s doctor to get it right.

Step 3: Shake Well

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The formula has to form the right consistency and mix well with the water. The mix needs to be formulated well so that your baby gets all the nutrients. Therefore, shake the bottle well and allow the ingredients to mix until it forms the optimal consistency.

Step 4: Look For Concentrate

Look For Concentrate

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You might think that liquid formula is easier to use when compared to powdered formula. However, that’s not always the case. Always follow the label carefully to understand how much water you need to add. Some formulas are “ready to feed” and don’t require any water. Others are concentrated formulas and require almost a 1:1 dilution.

Step 5: Be Extra Cautious

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Always ensure that you’re sure of how you’ve prepared your baby’s food. Even a tiny error in proportions while mixing formula may result in a hungry baby or tummy troubles. Therefore, if you are tired or believe that you might have made a mistake, throw that feeding away.

It might seem like a challenge for parents who are doing it for the first time. However, with time, practice, and patience, you’ll nail it and prepare the best feeding bottle for your baby. Was this article helpful? Share it with new parents to guide them through the process and help them!

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