Good Thoughts During Pregnancy Comes From These Mantras


During the time of pregnancy, every little thing matters. Right from sound physical health to a good mental state of being, the mother’s actions and lifestyle play a role in the well being of the baby. You would have probably noticed that when a woman is pregnant, everyone around her tries to keep her happy. Every food craving she has is fulfilled, she’s constantly pampered, and allowed to rest as much as possible. Diet, exercise, and other such lifestyle factors need to be given importance during pregnancy so that a healthy happy baby is born. Being in a positive state of mind surely helps too. Although pregnancy can be a stressful time, filled with anxiety and worry, it is important to fill your mind with good thoughts and remain calm and positive. So here are 5 mantras that you could follow during your pregnancy to keep good thoughts flowing your way:

1. Prayer


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Prayer is an integral part of many lives. No matter what faith you belong to or what you believe in, prayer gives you reassurance and strength to get through days that are probably more difficult than others. In Tamil Nadu, there is a goddess who is revered by women who are pregnant. She is believed to bless pregnant women and their unborn children. It is believed that reciting hymns of praise dedicated to her has the power to enable positive and healing thoughts to enter into a woman’s mind and body.

2. Safe Haven

Safe Haven

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The unborn child is completely connected to their mother. Therefore, it is no doubt that everything the mother experiences, the baby experiences too. While normal life does not escape worry and negativity, during pregnancy, it is vital to keep negative thoughts at bay and embrace positivity. Even though the child is unborn, it is very much alive and has a heartbeat which makes it contingent that the mother remains happy and positive.

3. Calming Music

Calming Music

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When we are filled with anxiety and stress, we tend to listen to music that has a calming effect on us. In the same way, mothers too can keep calm and immerse themselves in soothing music. Depending on each one’s taste, a mother can listen to different music or even mantras like the Gayatri Mantra or other Vedic chants. Studies have also shown that listening to classical music boosts your developing baby’s IQ and cognitive ability (1).

4. Meditation


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在快节奏的世界里,我们生活在,meditation helps slow us down and live in the present moment. It is one of the best ways to practice mindfulness which is proven to have incredible advantages. Studies showed that meditation helped pregnant women felt calmer. They also learned to develop attentiveness and awareness to cope with the aches and pains they feel during pregnancy. It also helped reduce their anxiety about labor. They also learned how to navigate their negative emotions, stress, and accept situations that come with being pregnant rather than being frustrated and angry (2).

5. Exercise


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Contrary to popular belief, exercising during pregnancy is extremely important. Some people believe that it is good to completely rest and not engage in any activity during pregnancy but that causes more harm than good. During pregnancy, it is vital to get your blood flowing. Therefore, simple exercises and light stretching benefits your health and your baby’s. Granted that you have to choose your exercise routine very carefully because not every form of exercise is safe during pregnancy. But engaging in 30 minutes of exercise every day for 4-5 days of the week has numerous benefits to your health. It improves your mood, helps you sleep better, increases energy, reduces backaches and constipation, and gives you a better ability to cope during labor (3).

While there are many things like diet, exercise, and sleep to keep in mind when you’re pregnant, maintaining good mental health is one of them too. Taking care of your mental health the same way you do of your physical health not only keeps your stress and anxiety levels at bay but also ensures that you have a happy and healthy baby! Comment below and let us know what you do to keep good thoughts flowing in during your pregnancy.

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